I was able to go for a quick run yesterday somewhere between chaos and chaos and Ted being awake and Ted being asleep. How was that for a sentence!? Anyhow, I ran outside and it felt great. It was the first time I was able to run outside using my new iPod. For years I would run as a meditation and thought clearing process. As a result of this process, I felt like I needed to be running with a notebook or better yet, a voice recording device. I always run to a rhythm. This beat under my feet causes me to to rhyme my thoughts. I come up with masterpieces in my head. I always have thought if only I had been able to save those thoughts and remember them enough to write them down I could publish something powerful someday. Publishing it would be one of my greatest accomplishments. If I was satisfied and I liked what I had written, (not caring what others thought about it), then I would possibly have the best accomplishment of all...self-worth. So, thanks to my husband, the iPod is now just more than a soundtrack to my meditation, life and creations, (lets not forget my time-out device- yes, I am a 30 year old woman who still needs time-outs); my iPod has the greatest feature I have ever wanted! I can do voice recording while I am running. I recorded two things yesterday. It is so exciting. I have more than the usual motivation to run now,(i.e. loving it, getting away, etc.), I have a chance to actually create something lasting. Something that lasts longer than the affects of running, and don't get me wrong, those affects are long lasting in themselves. Now, all I need is a chance to run...I want to be able to run at 5 am every morning, but that won't happen unless I can find a babysitter willing to come to my home and sit on the couch while my children are sleeping until about 5:30 or 6am. I just need 1 hour in the morning and I could be set all day. It is just totally impossible to find a babysitter willing to come to your home at 5am in the morning. I'll keep thinking...
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