Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I made up a new holiday

So this afternoon I was making a point to Ted about Holidays. When I make a point it is important to me. All of my discussions, opinions, thoughts and so on are just important as the last. I am a passionate and high strung person. He thinks I am always trying to start something with everybody. Sometimes he thinks I instigate things to have a chance to disagree. He calls me defiant. I promise this is not true. I wish people didn't see it that way. I just hate promoting ignorant and senseless traditions when there are real dates in history that have been validated and can be celebrated by all. I have to admit I was being a bit antagonistic. Not in a grouchy way, but more of an "I really like to point out when people are wrong" attitude. I know it seems harsh. Today is St. Patrick's Day and I put Grant in orange. Ted dressed Jake and put him in green. I had a smirk waiting for his remarks. He knew what I was doing so he wouldn't play my game... ahhh no bite. I'm Irish, yes, but as if it really matters in this day and age...I'm from the Protestant Irish (Orange) not Catholic Irish (Green). I read once that St. Patrick was British. He wasn't even Irish. So, while I was on a kick. I decided to talk about how Columbus didn't discover North America, Valentine's Day is a load of poo, Halloween has turned into hoar-o-leen where chic’s compete to see how slutty they can look, WHO the hell is Casimir Pulaski, AND if we really want to get is believed that Jesus was born much earlier in the year than December. BUT, it does look like we should have a holiday celebrating when people let technology take the place of face to face contact thus abolishing the ability to effectively communicate for the rest of eternity! I think March 18th sounds good. We will have eggs and a bunny, and then we will have people hide the eggs and say the bunny hid them. Then we send the little kids out looking for them and when they find them they will open them up to find their very own tiny little technological domination toys and candy. Then we all go to church and pray about how it all ties into Jesus and how he died for our sins so that we could learn to live without ever really knowing how to effectively communicate with anyone in our lives! AHHHH, such a cute story of how it all began! See, don't you see how I find the enjoyment in this? It is harmless. Yet, thought provoking....Happy End of Ability to Effectively Communicate Day - hope you get lots of candy and stuff! Don't forget to go to church!

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“The Wisdom That Comes From Not Knowing”

I want to do spoken poetry.  I want to stand in front of children and tell a story with such theatrical illusionary magic and  dimension tha...