"I love people who have been through adversity and heartache and obstacles as impossible as the sun itself. They usually make it out with hearts as warm as gold. Cores made of fire. Lives soaked with full intention. Hope like another morning. They know how to start again- how to walk through walls with palms wide open, and how to begin at the edge, and end. Those to me, are the best people." ~Victoria Erickson
Monday, March 1, 2010
I am typing through tears of laughter. My stomach hurts so bad and I have no one to share the hilarity of this moment with. I just stopped Grant from peeing in the laundry room only to follow him while he was sleepwalking into the bathroom and watch as he peed into the trash can! I would have stopped him, but I couldn't stop laughing so hard to stand up and focus on the matter at hand. Dear God, we have another sleepwalker in the family. My family has too many of these stories about me and now I fear for Grant, yet at the same time look forward to the humor it will cause. When I stood up, I started to pull off his pants to put a night-time preventative pull-up on him and suddenly he looked at me with these really confused eyes. I said, "well, hello there Grant, do you know that you just peed into the trash can?" He laughed a nervous laugh and said, "no I didn't!" I showed him and he began to laugh even harder. He walked into the living room laughing, crawled into the recliner, and fell asleep mid-laugh! So funny. Wish I could have gotten it on video tape. I should have known when he came out of my room about 20 minutes after I laid him in my bed for the night. When Grant hits the pillow he does not move and wake up if you were to stand on him. Trust me Jake has tried it. If he does wake up he is either sick and he is about ready to throw up (rare), or he is sleep walking. This is why he now sleeps in my room. I should put a bell and an alarm on him. Luckily, I am a light sleeper, so I can tell when he does anything abnormal. Unfortunately he also grinds his teeth like a chainsaw. I wish he didn't inherit all of my weird-isms! Let's all hope that he doesn't drive in his sleep or try to convince me to take him to school at about 3am in the morning. Those are just two of the stories I have with a lifetime of sleepwalking. I also get a kick out of him when he talks in his sleep. He is always saying something he would never say while he is awake, (i.e. excuse me sir, that's quite alright....") Oh Grant, u are so sweet when you are asleep!
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“The Wisdom That Comes From Not Knowing”
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Reminds me of stories of Neal. He used to pee in all kinds of places. Nate got blamed for it a lot when they were little
Kara told me that she thought of Neal when she read the post. Has anyone called Neal to tell him the story?
I sent him the web site tonight
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