Friday, April 30, 2010

Fix the toliet- go on a date

I was fixing the toilet tonight when I decided that I wanted Ted to take a picture so that I could someday show my grandkids that I wasn't just a housewife and a stay-at-home Mom, I was a teacher, car mechanic, plumber, engineer, baker, professional cleaner, juggler, circus performer, taxi driver, banker, doctor, inventor, psychologist, surgeon, vet, professional mover, appliance repair service, physicist, minister, acrobat, researcher, communication expert, hostage negotiator, and so many more. The concept made me laugh so much that I think I came up with my first children's book idea. Don't steal my idea or I will become a lawyer too! :-) Anyway, The toilet is working fine as are the many other things I have fixed lately. I'm actually proud of myself. I think being "dependent" might be having someone else come fix it and then calling someone else to pay for it even though it is ours. (Well, not really...but you get the idea). Just in case anyone else would like to call me "dependent". SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!
Mom came into town today and she offered to take the boys overnight so I got right to work on projects. Ted woke up and thought it would be a great idea to go on a date. We would have no time restrictions on our meal. So, I went from plumber to a girly-girl. I included pictures so that you can all laugh at me too. J/K I thought I cleaned up well. We went to Vitale's and I really had a wonderful time with just my Ted. For the first time in a long time he talked the whole time! I loved just listening to him talk. He has such integrity and control. I'm sure there are no questions as to why God put Mr. calm, cool and collected, yet stubborn, gentleman who sometimes struggles to say how he feels, with Mrs. wild, high-strung, opinionated, passionate, yet stubborn woman who sometimes struggles with not saying how she feels! Ahhhh what a leveling out we do. He told me all about work and EMS and he was so pleasant and I realized how much I am still IN LOVE with him. Not that I was anticipating otherwise. Loving someone and really feeling that warmth of being in love are two different things and I am so happy to be able to say that I am still in love with my husband after 10 years.
Well, my computer time has to be up for now or I won't get anything done.
Prayers for my sister-in-law who is feeling yucky please.
Prayers for Connor who is still sick and Brenda his Mommy who has one thing after another lately and needs something to give.
Prayers that I learn to stop telling everyone to "SUCK-IT" :-)
Sorry, I am in a weird mood. (Although that is really true...I need to stop that!) Kind-of feels good though like when you hold your breath for a long time and finally take a fresh one. Oh, if only I would someday grow up before my children pass me in maturity.....

Ted had to go back to work tonight at 9pm so it's just me and my vicious dog! I think I'll clean until I fall over. If I need stuff I can actually go to the store. I should do it. It seems so odd to me to be able to go this late at night, usually the kids won't let me leave them around bedtime so if we ever need anything, it is a Ted job, but I do need light bulbs.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Coward says what?

I really did intend to take the boys to swimming lessons this morning....really I did. 
Then, I was ready and prepared to sincerely present myself to the woman on the school board... 
OK I am such a liar. I am a coward. I decided to get a mocha frappe and do laundry at Arline's because our water is orange again. I also went and talked with the builder. I wanted to feel like our dream wasn't in the crapper. Mr. Patch is such a great guy and not just a builder. He is a compassionate man. He is patiently waiting, as are we, for the next move we are allowed to take. I'm so glad that the School Boards see our livelihood as a joke. NO really, take your time... my five year old will totally understand that he has to start kindergarten at one school and then potentially move to another school. So kind of you to put your decisions of our child's education on the agenda for another meeting. Lawyer fees add up! I never have liked to have my life in the hands of someone who I knew could care less about me and my family as much as they did our money. When our lawyer fees are more, we have less money for building the home. If the builders don't get the money when they need it, then we run out of time and money to get a loan! It's a cascade of thoughtlessness and inability to feel empathy. We started this in November. We weren't stalling. Currently, I am finding it interesting that the building part of this venture is the least stressful part. Currently, the school boards and the districts political greed is what is causing the most grief! 
Draft written on 4/27/2010

Monday, April 26, 2010

Creature inside

A reporter commented on the school board meeting the other night: Here is a link to her article:
I have been trying to keep my heart from exploding out of my chest all night since I read it. I wish the school board could hear my side of the story. I wish I could have spoken at the meeting. I wouldn't have said that the Anderson's have "vested interest" in their community. Who doesn't? This is not our reasoning. I wish I could have told the school board that our choice has nothing to do with us not liking or approving of our children going to West Prairie. I actually think the school district is great from what I can see. Our reason for this choice of trying to stay in Macomb School District has to do with a few reasons:
1) First and foremost I can't stand the thought of the boys having to ride so far to school when Macomb schoools are five minutes away. When they would go to High School they would have to drive by the Macomb High School a few minutes after leaving home to drive all the way to Sciota!
2) The property we are building on is three feet away from Macomb School District.
3) Grant is already registered for Macomb, has been going to preschool with all of his friends since he was two and due to some personal reasons with Grant adjustments and transitions at levels of comfort are rather difficult to tamper with.
4) Ted is a police officer in Macomb and due to his irregular schedule he would like to be as close to the children's schools as possible in order to be able to see their sporting events, or to even see them before or after school in general, if even for a few moments. He would also hope to coach track again when the boys get into track as he was a track coach here for quite a few years.
5) With my degree and training I will most likely only be able to find a job in Macomb and for both Ted and I to work in Macomb and the boys caretakers living in Macomb it seems clear to us that the ease makes that clear.
I have nothing against small community schools, I am a product of one. I loved going to Aledo Schools. They have so much to offer that bigger schools simply cannot touch. I hated living five miles from the school district line though. I lived closer to Westmer school district than to Aledo. I spent one hour on the bus to school in the morning and one hour on the way home. It was a waste of time for a child. It was damaging to my self-esteem dealing with bullies and learning horrible things that no child should learn anywhere when they are so young. We worried about school buses getting caught in ditches during bad weather. I had a school bus driver who was a dairy farmer and honestly fell asleep while driving the bus daily. There was someone who always yelled "STEVE! WAKE UP!" To this day I hate it, with a passion, when someone falls asleep in an inappropriate place. He terrified me from grade school through junior high. Thank God I had a cousin who could drive who was four years older, then Dan could drive me and then Darren and I took turns driving each other. But, we lived too far, so we drove too fast and Dan and Jim scared the crap out of me only a little less than Steve.
I have so many reasons, but not one of them is a dislike or disapproval of their school district. I am angered at the reporter who wrote the article because the meeting started with reports from all of the school principals. Was that in the article? NO! I was so impressed with the projects they had worked on and were currently working on. They spoke of how Macomb Hy-Vee donated to an event they had. They spoke of trips and things that the reporter failed to mention. I felt bad for all of the lack of recognition they probably already get. Then there was a presentation of students of the month. These kids were filled to the top with character, integrity, talent and so much more, If I had been their parents I would have been so proud I would have probably cried. It was so nice how they read why each child was getting the award. Yet, this reported mentioned nothing of these great kids. When Ted showed me the article, I was so angered that we seemed to look like we were insulting their district, and that she left out the kids and the hard work of each of the schools. My first impulse was to send a comment to the article mentioning all of the other business discussed at the meeting and all of the kids names who were honored as students of the month. I wanted to sign my name so they could see what I thought was important. Ted told me no; Mom told me no, I'm pretty sure the entire world would have told me not to do it. Once again, I didn't do what my heart told me to do.
Now tomorrow I have to go to the Parent-Tot swimming class with one of the school board members and I don't even know what I can and cannot say. My heart is always screaming for me to be completely honest. I have this internal creature that eats me from the inside out if I feel injustice or that things or simply going wrong and need to be said. I don't know why it is. I feel it is a part of me that I'm not sure I want to get rid of. It separates me from the masses and yes, it pretty much means that almost everyone disagrees with the way I choose to deal with things, but I simply find that I must...almost like it would be dishonest to myself to stifle it. I asked myself today an important question. It was one I honestly didn't know the answer to and I had to think about it.
I asked, "Would you give up being true to yourself, even if it meant that everyone disagreed with you and was even potentially angry with you?" Two very important things to me...#1 Being true to myself and #2 Wanting to please everybody. Funny enough that often means a civil war in my soul.
The very last thoughts in my head at night are often about who I have upset and how I am going to remedy it without selling out myself. I know it sounds selfish, but, it is the honest truth.
Side note: Grant just woke up with hives again. He hasn't had them for about two-three weeks. I'm racking my brain trying to figure out anything different he came in contact with. I just wiped him down with hypoallergenic and unscented baby wipes and gave him Benadryll and that always does the trick. I wish I knew the reason.
Isabella is also having some allergic reactions lately and we are waiting the results for her. I'm sure I join the crowd who was hoping she would sneak past the family jinks of allergies. It could be eggs, but it is still unknown.
Funny story about Jake today. Dude that kid is wild. I remember Grant being that wild at 2 and a half and I gave him time outs all day everyday. That was when Jake had just been born. I can't believe I did that and am still alive. We don't seem to be as affected by Jake. I guess we are used to the wild. He isn't as impulsive and stops when you ask most of the time, but he will finish really fast and run off laughing. He is part evil. He is really sassy. He won't stop with the really rude stuff "shut-up stupid". Ahhh the wonderful benefits of having an older brother who likes to see his little brother get into trouble and hanging around so many other older kids. GRRR!
Oh, Funny story, I forgot:
He came up behind Grant and put his arms around his neck. I thought for a second that I was going to have to keep him from trying to strangle Grant (poor Grant, he is an abused big brother). Instead Jake says so cute, "This is my best friend!" and he gives Grant a kiss on the cheek. The thing about Jake is though, he could do that and then pretend to cut off Grants head with an imaginary light saber. I am so sick of everything being a light saber: Tooth brushes, silverware, my arm, toilet plungers...ok, he is really funny. I could pretend it doesn't all make me laugh but it does. Well not the violent stuff. He is so freakin' funny. He was sitting in the grocery cart singing, "Pants on the ground, pants on the ground, lookin' like a fool with your pants on the ground!" Grant was telling everyone he saw, "Hey, I got 6 shots, really, six whole shots! Three in each leg! I have three band-aids on both legs!"
P.S. I'm looking for a baby sitter Saturday 9am until 5pm and Sunday after church- noon until like 7pm. Any takers? I would like it to be at your house though. $5/hour! $75 for two days!!!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Cracked me up

"Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people."
Eleanor Roosevelt

I know this quote has nothing to do with today's entry but I really liked it so, I posted it anyway. I have always felt so strongly about this and had never really found a quote from someone I thought was worthy quoting. It is such a pet peeve of mine when I get around people and all they talk about is superficial politics, events, sports, etc. ONLY, and never anything deeper than that, and if you start to take the conversation deeper to the ideas behind it all they retreat like a dog with its tail between its legs! Opps, my small mind is discussing people :-) I will continue to use my small mind throughout this blog entry... he he. (I only wrote that to those of you who are hypercritical and will notice that I am about to talk mostly about people today and not about ideas. Thankfully I mostly talk about ideas in my life so I'm free from that judgement... *Jo's favorite statement*)
Off to other topics now:
1) Beth had an interview on Friday and I hope it went well. I haven't had a chance to talk to her yet, so please think about her.
2) Faith learned to ride her bike without the training wheels!
3) My oldest nephew Lucas texted me the other day out of the blue for no reason other than to say what's up! He is so sweet!
4) Connor, Brenda's youngest is having problems with his kidney and so he is going to do back again for another test in Peoria in May. Pray he doesn't get another infection before he gets there.
I wish I had other news, but to be honest, I suck. I haven't called Kara, Kelly, Beth, Amber or anyone to get updates on how everyone is doing.
THANK YOU MOM!!!!!!! Today I cleaned the kitchen. I washed all of the dishes, I did all of the laundry, (even folded and put it away!). I cleaned the boys bathroom and the front entryway. I gathered and took out all of the garbage. I made a meal other than sandwiches. I went through the boys clothes and pulled out all of the clothes that didn't fit and were the wrong season. I even straightened up their drawers. The only reason I was able to do any of these things was because Mom had the WIU accountancy award banquet on Friday night and since she stayed so late at it she decided to spend the night here rather than drive back home. That meant that she was able to be here until after lunch today. Ted got up at lunchtime and then ate with us and she had to get home after that so she left shortly thereafter. I was able to get so much done. Never underestimate the power of childcare willing to watch your children when you need them to and not only when they feel like it. Tonight before bed Ted has been cleaning our room and vacuuming. I think he has the cleaning bug too. Jake is still awake and it is 10:30pm. We are wondering if he is either getting sick or if he is just evil.
I was up late one night do laundry recently and I saw a woman comedian and I thought she was hilarious. I have never seen or heard of her before so I am including a link to some of her bits on comedy central. I know I have said this before, and I know I laugh at pretty much anything, but you have to see this it is soooooooooooooo stinkin' funny. I want to hang out with her she is so awesome!
Oh, I also got an Ipod alarm clock docking station in the mail yesterday and I love, love, love, love, love, love it! Thank you so much Ted. I always wanted my life to have a soundtrack, this is so cool. The kids love the music and I find that it cheers me up and motivates me. I'm pretty sure he did it because he couldn't stand me walking around the house with my Ipod on singing at the top of my lungs, (I can't sing)! If I am blasting the music, he can at least drown out some of my bad singing! :-)
Here is the link to that comedian:
Make sure you watch all 12 of the videos. The last one is crude but worth it!
If you become obsessed with her like I have... he is another site to see:

Friday, April 23, 2010

Cholchester School Board Meeting

Written Friday:
Oh how I wish I could have told them that I wasn't opposed to my children going to their obviously well-run school, it was simply a matter of distance and lifestyle. We literally are going to build our home three or four feet out of Macomb school district. It takes us five minutes/ 7 miles to get to Macomb from the farm. When we proposed the possible land (taxation) transfer in order for our children to go to Macomb schools, they looked as if we were telling them that we thought they were a horrible and incapable school district that we wanted nothing to do with. I almost started to cry during the meeting. It was so hard not to speak. I kept my mouth shut because I was unaware of what was appropriate or not in that forum. It became clear to us and the lawyer that they were not going to make a decision at that time nor would it be a favorable one if we had requested them to do so. Our regular lawyer must have sensed my claws and assigned his other partner in the law firm to the case and we click quite well. I love how the non-verbal communication seems to go fluidly. We feel so bad that they may have been insulted by our request. It would mean that in high school they would drive past Macomb High School 5 minutes after leaving home to drive all of the way to Blandinsville.
I guess it is in God's hands now.
I feel most awkward about one of the school board members being one of the Mom's in Jake's parent/tot swimming lessons class. I really liked her, but she seemed particularly insulted last night. I'm not sure she made the connection or not, but I'm pretty sure if I did that she did. I feel terrible. She must have not liked me in the class to be so adamantly and greatly insulted by our proposal. It made no sense to me. I hate disappointing people, and most importantly, I hate disappointing people when I feel I am so greatly misunderstood, which seems to run ramped in my life. Or maybe I am understood quite well and I simply don't understand myself...hummmm. Oh, to ponder.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


"Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strength.When you go through hardship and decide not to surrender, that is strength."

This morning I woke up to a crash. Grant had climbed up onto the counter, (not something I ever let him do, although some people do, so he gets confused), then he fell down while trying to get cookies for breakfast. When I came out he was unscathed and onto his next spastic activity. There is so much contradiction in that boys life that he doesn't even know what is acceptable. I set firm rules and boundaries. No one seems to care what I work hard on. If I came into your workplace and took your work and tore it to pieces it would be the equivalent to people disrespecting me and the rules I set for my boys. Yesterday my 2 year old told me to "shut-up". I told him we don't speak that way to anyone ever and asked Grant where he may have heard that. He informed me that a respectable adult in their life told them to "shut-up" the other day. I wasn't surprised as this same person has told me to "shut-up" before.

Shortly after Grant's crash this morning, I had to make an appointment to get him into the doctor because he had a bacterial infection in his eye. I knew it was bacterial due to the yellowish-green puss coming from his eye. After I had been gone all day yesterday, Ted called me at 5:15pm to tell me that Grant woke up with this. I asked what I was to do now that he had waited all day after preschool, swimming lessons and the doctor's office closing? (Rhetorical snide comment). So I woke up today, (when Ted had to work another craptastic abnormal shift 7am-3pm) and make an appointment not to mention miss Jake's swimming lessons when I am trying to get a job at the YMCA: (yeah that looks freakin' dependable). When I called I was glad I did because they reminded me that Grant had his Kindergarten physical and immunizations in like 15 minutes! So, I high tailed it out of the house, realized Ted took the car with my money in it, and made it to the appointment right on time. When Grant realized he was going to get six shots (three in each leg) he flipped out and tried to run out of the office. He is so hard to physically restrain that I have become a master at calming and convincing(manipulation/distraction) whatever you want to call it. It took forever to do, but it got done. I had no money to pay my co-pay, but they know I'm good for it. I then went to get my money from the car at the university, then discovered it wasn't there! I couldn't find my wallet anywhere! CRAP X 3 ! Ted let me have his debit card and I then went get a coffee drink from McDonald's and I thought everything would be OK after that. I was walking into Wal-greens to get Grant's medicine filled when Jake vomited all down himself and the front of me. It just kept coming, and coming, and coming. I had nothing to catch it with and stupidly stood there holding my hand under his mouth as if it was going to catch and hold the gallons of puke spewing out of his mouth. I had no idea he was feeling ill or that anything was off. He was hyper and his regular monkey self all morning. General Jake had been leading his imaginary army of submissives all morning. I looked at Grant and said "go find someone and ask for some paper towels", he did...and came running back with a roll. The cashier brought a bag to put them in and I took off Jake's clothes and shoved them in the bag too. I walked over to the clothes rack and bought some clothes for him so I could get all that I needed without looking like a degenerate. Although the smell of vomit was astounding! Thankfully Grant was in mild mode and didn't ask for one thing. He stayed close and was very helpful. Jake never acted sick the rest of the time. He spent the rest of the Walgreens trip screaming for gum and my coffee.

So, I've had a great day so far! How has your day been? Hopefully better, if not, I'm pretty sure that the world is imploding.

Tonight we have the other school board meeting so that we can wait for them to tell us no. I'm glad to miss my wt. lifting class again so that we can go sit and listen to them talk for two minutes and decide nothing. Not to mention the lawyer should have had this done months ago. Bitter? Yes. Is it annoying you? Most certainly....

I'm venting, so chill okay.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Christian Academy Awards/ Crazy Brennan and Grant-ness

My church youth group are putting on a Christian Academy Awards Ceremony tomorrow night. They chose categories they deemed worthy of reward. Best Baker, Best Preacher, Best Window Display, Best Bible Verse, Best hymn, etc. We did a run thru last night. They are a great group of kids. They are all VERY different and yet, oddly very similar at the same time. Their current Sunday School teacher and I had to get them back on track a few more times than we would have liked but, I guess that's what we get with this age group. I keep forgetting that I am working with kids that are my nephews age. It seems so weird that Lucas is already so old.

I remember being in school when I was younger and wondering on the very first day of class if the teacher was going to be mean or not based on the first class we had with them. I soon learned the common theme of laying down the law on the first day to let the class know the expectations and then they seemed to chill after that and were much more light hearted and understanding. Well, the nice one's were anyway. Last night I had let the shenanigans go on for quite some time and could see it was getting to a point where I needed to lay down the law. I let them know that they were not only disrespecting each other by talking over each other and interrupting each other during the run-thru, but they were being disrespectful to all of the adults time who had come there to help them get ready for the event. They all got very quiet and I could see the shocked looks on their faces as I had never even given anything to them but encouragement and a thumbs up since I'd met them. I quickly went right back to normal as if I hadn't even had to correct them and I smiled, encouraged and helped them the rest of the time as normal. I wondered if I looked like a jerk to them, or if they felt like I would have I was gonna cry. I always hated...and still do, disappointing anyone.

I actually went out and bought myself a dress today. It is so cute. Yeah, I said it, I bought a dress and I said it was cute! Fancy.

Don't worry I'm still me, I went out and worked in the garden this afternoon and dug in the dirt so much I can't scrub hard enough to get the dirt out of the skin around my fingernails. I decided to cut all of my fingernails down while I'm gardening.

Grant and Brennan played in the yard this afternoon and evening. I only heard some random comments/questions:
*Can we have these logs? We need them for the Brady games? (Then they carried off about 12 logs by themselves. I offered the wheel barrel, but they didn't need it because, "we are strong like our Dad's"

* "Be careful if you come over here (the lower driveway) if you trip on our stuff you will die."

* "I'm pretty sure I hear death everywhere."

* "How do you know there are gremlins in the creek?" "I just do!" "Did you see them?" "no, but I heard them and I could tell they had been there!" "OH! COOL!"

Yeah, um, they are weird.

Anyway, while they did their creepy thing, I planted the roma tomatoes, green beans, yellow onions, lima beans and lettuce. I still have so much more to get planted. I justified working in the garden instead of running today because I ran 5 miles yesterday and after I work in the garden I feel like I have ran 8 miles.

I feel so tired tonight I don't feel right. Seriously...I feel like I did right after waking up from anesthesia. I'm weak and shaky. I feel terrible. I think I'm going to try and go to bed now.

Silence is bad

Its Saturday. What do I do now. No appointments. Ted sleeps all day. No adult interaction. I'm thinking about taking the kids to the track and seeing if they will run around it with me for even a little while. They are being too quiet...gotta go.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Now I can sleep.

I called the water guy and he came the same day. He fixed it in one hour. I have been living with this for no reason at all. It was a simple fix. Of course it will probably cost a load. I have noticed the change already today!

The show Grant and went to last night was okay. We have seen better, but it was nice to do something different. He really gets inspired by the arts. I think I'll get him and I season tickets to those type of shows next year. He loves any kind of performance. Although it was a little long. We don't "get" intermissions. 10 minutes into the intermission he was asking if we could just go home because it was taking too long to start again. If my hyper 5 year old can sit through the show, I'm pretty sure everyone else could just deal. If someone really needed to pee or whatever, couldn't they just leave as needed? We didn't get home until 10pm. As far as spending $50 for the both of us total to see the show.... not sure it was worth it. I came home and got online and typed in the names of the people in the show into YouTube and showed Ted pretty much everything we saw at the performance.....for free.

He came home, put himself into bed and was out like a light. Mom watched Jake for me. Ted had to work 9pm-11pm last night. Then he had to work 7am-3am today, he came home, slept, then went back to work at 9pm and will get home at 7am tomorrow morning.

Here OPS employee, work these erratic shifts, get real physically and emotionally exhausted and then we will give you a gun, etc. and a lot of power to police this campus! Ummmm. Need I say more?

Ok, time for some random thoughts that I committed to memory throughout my day:

1)"Hey rude bald dude

with a gote

I no-like-e"

2) Jake told me he thought my nipples were awesome! Wait, just my right one not my left one. He pointed and said "that nipple is awesome!"

3) Jake told me he shoved garbage up his nose, I checked, didn't see anything, but he kept complaining about it all day. Then I found him on all fours blowing his nose with a passion, and out comes an approx. 1 inch long piece of plastic. It was obviously broken and I worried the rest of the day and honestly I am still worried that there is still plastic rammed up his nose.

4) Jake saw some baby kittens at Arline's neighbors and Grant told me that the mommy cat hated Jake because he picked up one of her babies by its head.

5) Creepy water guy told me that he didn't need us to be home because he has a key to our house....?

6) I planted the broccoli, carrots, radishes, kaleidoscope peppers, green peppers, and celebrity tomatoes so far, but have so much more to plant.

7) When I was watching Grant on the bleachers at swimming lessons, (We can watch through a window from the lobby), there was a mom there with her teenage daughter right next to me.

The mother turns to her daughter and tilts her head to the side and says, "eww, we need to get you in to get your hair dyed..."

"I know." says the submissive daughter.

"Oh, and we need them to do something about those eyebrows while we are there!"


I know you are all wondering what rude thing I did or said at that moment, but I didn't do anything! I was too shocked.

Plus, if I had opened my mouth something like this would have come out:

"Ewww, we really need to get you in to see a plastic surgeon because your ugly needs some work, but I'm not sure the plastic surgeon can work on inner ugliness, maybe you should have a jerkectomy...!"

Sorry, teenage girls are viscous enough to each other, they don't need their own mother's to jump on their backs to weigh them down even more.

I'm not sure what it is about the YMCA but I have met the most amazing people there and I have met some of the biggest jerks in the world there. I have so many stories you wouldn't believe that have happened in our YMCA. You have to know they must equal out or I wouldn't still love going there more than anywhere else I go.

8) Grant and I got to have an interesting talk about alcohol again last night. He asks great questions and I am happy to give completely honest answers. I always choose to go the medical and physical affects of the things we do or don't do. I try to leave my opinions out of the conversation. Although, I did tell him that Mommy and Daddy choose not to drink because it is a choice we have made. I find it works the best for Grant and I. No lying, no deceiving, no beating around the bush...just facts. I'm not necessarily proud that he is now able to share what alcohol does to the cells and organs in your body. Ted and I just always swore we would answer his questions when he asked them....and we always have. We were driving down Lafayette and some college kids had a sign that said, "Honk and we will take a drink" and there was a yard full of people. He can read the word "honk", and he told me to honk and I informed him what the rest of the sign said. He said, "oh, a drink of what?" I said, "alcohol". He said, "Don't honk" and I said "don't worry honey, I won't". Then the rest of the conversation about alcohol followed.

9) I called the lawyer today and felt I expressed my concern and frustrations in a mature and rational manor. I really appreciated the woman I spoke to. She was kind and considerate as well as understanding. I could have called and yelled, which is what I felt like doing, but I am fully aware that I would never get what I want if I treated someone badly. I find it incredibly upsetting that we started the lawyers on the school district process in November and here we are in April and still nowhere. We are about ready to turn in our blueprints and that would mean we need the deed in 8 weeks so we could get our loan and then pay for the home to be delivered and put together on site. Now we are looking at August rather than June or July for finally getting into our home.

It could be even later....blah

This blog is too long. I'll be done.

Just remember this Ted, never trust a man with a mustache! :-)

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Fear not those who argue but those who dodge.
Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach

"You have achieved success if you have lived well, laughed often and loved much." - Author Unknown

The female knot-tying weaverbird will refuse to mate with a male who has built a shoddy nest. If spurned, the male must take the nest apart and completely rebuild it in order to win the affections of the female.

(I posted the title of this blog as Thursday because I noticed that I wrote it and forgot to post it on Thursday and now it is Friday so the date posted will probably be wrong...I don't know.)

Today Ted is working from 7am-3pm and then he goes back to work at 9pm-11pm. Jake had swimming lessons (I didn't say we actually went :-) and tonight Grant and I have tickets to the cirque viola at WIU Western Hall. Mom is coming to watch Jake the Insane. I had to choose to miss wt. lifting tonight or to go to this event with Grant. While most mothers would not hesitate to spend a moment with their child, I spend all of my moments with them, so I really look forward to my wt. lifting class. But, Grant loves those Cirque shows. I hadn't even said the full name of the event before he was screaming and jumping up and down, "I want to go Mommy, I want to go! Can we go?" I could really see Grant being a high flying acrobatic tight rope walker or trapeze artist.

The water here is turning orange again and smells like metals of some kind. I called the calligan man to come and talk with me about some options because I am really annoyed by it all. I think what really set me off finally was when I filled some old milk jug with water from outside, (and yes I let it run for awhile before hand), and let the water sit for a day. When I came back today to water the plants with it, it was orange and there was a thick layer of rust looking sediment on the bottom of the jug. AHHHH! Grant told me today that he was going to fill up a bucket and Jake and him were going to get inside and swim in it. I was thinking about how we can't even fill a kiddy pool with water because of how nasty the water is. I hope it doesn't kill the houseplants I watered with it. The boys dumped all my collected rainwater into a fish tank to make "STAR WARS JUICE" and then dared each other to drink it. So I had to use the well water to water the house plants. I used to complain about the water back on the farm at home. I laugh at that now. I would drink that in a second compared to this. I could stand bad taste, and maybe even bad smell, but I draw the line at sediment. Our new washer is already stained. Our clothes look terrible. I gave up showering at home and shower at the YMCA. I give the boys showers after swimming lessons on their 2 days a week and then when they get really dirty I give them baby wipe baths!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

How'd you like that garden

That's right, I got my tillin' on. How'd you like that garden? You should have seen the size of this tiller. I think my wrists are swollen. It was a beast! One time I saw an FS worker drive by slowly and he waved and then did a quick double he was thinking, no way that gal is really doing that?! Or maybe he was thinking, man that dude really looks like a girl! Anyway, it's done, now. I didn't get anything planted and Jake was taking a nap while I was tilling, so him and Grant didn't work on their patch. Grant watched National Geographic Kids online again and worked on his writing. He made me laugh because I really had no idea what he was was doing when I was tilling I was just hoping he wasn't burning the house down. When I came inside he said "Mom, I did all of the writing in this book, but I didn't do any of the math because I'm kind- of sick of that, is that ok?" And then he handed me one of those K-1st grade workbooks that parents are suppose to do with them! I was shocked. Funny how expectations go.

I drank one of those Mocha drinks from McDonald's before wt. class and rocked that out too! If I hadn't I'm pretty sure my heart wold have stopped. Ok.... a little exaggeration...

I ended up watching a whole lot of TV last night after class because movement via cleaning, dishes, laundry, fishing things out of the toilet, and trying to find all of my stolen make-up again just wasn't gonna happen. I was thinking of Kelly and how she is rocking out 10 and 11 miles lately. I am so proud of her. I miss that feeling. It hurts so good to finish such a challenging experience like that. I know Beth is running on her lunch break when she can get a chance, which I also think is pretty insanely difficult when you are working. When do you eat... while you run? I know how it goes though, you have to find a way or it never gets in there. We can always find a way to do what we love, right anonymous? I'm pretty sure you reminded me of that during one of my complaining rants. See, I pay attention!
Well, today Ted has to go testify at court for work today. Grant has swimming lessons. I am going to actually plant things in the garden and figure out a way to keep all of the deer and critters out of the garden. Time for another dose of caffeine.

It's the WEEKEND!

Today is our weekend. Ted has today and tomorrow off. We are all busy right? Different busy, but busy. Today Grant has his six month cleaning at the dentist, Jake has parent tot swimming, I had to rent a tiller and I hate having to do it but I just bucked up and called the rental place and did it. I hate having to borrow equipment to do things for myself, I always have... I think I will start a tiller fund. I'll take about $15 out of each paycheck and put it aside until I can afford one for myself. I want one that can bust through hard clay soil. Our ground at the new place has mostly clay in the soil. I am going to have to work with it to make make my garden prosper, but it will be a fun challenge. Planting season here was this week, so I really wanted to get my garden in this week. Mom's will be next week-ish and on up north it will follow. I am tilling a 45 foot by 30 foot area here at our temporary home in a clearing where the previous owners had a smaller garden. It's ambitious, but nothing more than I have done before. I rock at vegetable gardening. I am going to have to work with some erosion prevention due to the slope. I can handle it. I love the feel of digging up the earth with a giant machine and seeing the fresh dirt turn over on the ground. It's like a fresh start...a new beginning. It is ready for new life.
We have the tiller for 4 hours this afternoon. After swimming lessons I am headed to the store to get some materials for the kids to work on a little garden bed of their own close by-----but far enough away that Daddy can keep them safe. I'll take pictures when we are done.
By lifting class tonight I think I'll be spent. Come to think of it, it is 9:18am and I already feel spent. I think I'll try that drink from McDonald's Kelly was telling me about. A Mocha Frapacchino? I think that was it.

Monday, April 12, 2010

We really are just animals...creatures co-existing

I have been practicing taking the emotion out of things. While I don't think I should, it was simply an experiment in my own mind and a trial and test of human nature. We are all animals. We act like animals. Not necessarily savage beasts ready for a kill or a carnivorous creature stalking others with only one thing in mind in life. Well, most of us anyway. If you you have ever watched national geographic "nat-geo" :-), you can see such similarities in the basic reactions of even the smallest creatures compared even to the most complex creatures. Somethings are always existent: agendas, manipulation, protection, defensive behavior, offensive behavior, anger outbursts, setting others straight, getting a point across, the desire for food and water, the desire to reproduce, the desire for connection, (even if it is only at one point in the creatures entire life), and the need for enjoyment, play and freedom.
A concept that always surprises me about humans is their lack of ability in understanding that if you push another human (animal) into any sort of perceived corner, cage or restriction, they WILL defend themselves. Some use a fight mechanism and some use a flight mechanism. Yet, there is also a encoded defensive mechanism in place for all creatures that reminds them that a skunk will make a horrid stench if you bother it, a porcupine will shoot sharp and painful spurs if you challenge it, a tiger will pounce if you antagonize it, a dog will bite if you get near its food...and the smart creatures won't make the same mistake twice. I know that humans are more complex and have the amazing gift of communication, speech, forgiveness, faith, hope, etc, however, sometimes our animal nature is stronger than any of these things.
Ted and I were talking about the dynamic of relationships in which you feel wronged so you are an animal on the defence. They treat you poorly no matter how hard you try to mend the relationship and your animal nature ingrains a strong sense and desire to avoid these people. After all, no matter how selfish it seems, we are animals and we must survive.

My first laugh until I cried of the day

DStv Fire station Pole dancing Commercial-
You will have to cut and paste the url b/c sometimes I can get links to work and sometimes they don't.
Enjoy, and, hey Ted...
get to work :-)
Second laugh, although I saw this the other night on TV when I was really tired and I laughed so hard I fell out of the recliner. I think I might have identified:

Sunday, April 11, 2010

How to Start a Gratitude Journal

How to Start a Gratitude Journal: Click the highlighted test
Grant and I are going to start this project tomorrow after we build his giant outdoor toad-terrarium-Disney-world extravaganza. I think we should have to start charging the toads for the whole experience!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

OK Go - This Too Shall Pass - Rube Goldberg Machine version - Official

OK Go - This Too Shall Pass - Rube Goldberg Machine version - Official
Hey Dan! We could have done this for sure right?

What Kind of Planet Are We On?

What Kind of Planet Are We On?
Click on the title and it will take you to a YouTube spotlight video of the day. I thought it was insightful and compassionate as well as thought provoking. I now get a new spotlight video everyday on my igoggle page and if i deem it worthy I will send it along.

Friday, April 9, 2010

For Amber

This picture is us don't you think? Probably the Seaton Marathon.

I have a favorite children's book that became even more meaningful to me after we lost our first pregnancy with Joseph. The line "A person is a person no matter how small" was written on the front of Josephs Announcement/Memorial card. But as time has gone on I have found many other parallels from that children's book to my life.
ON recent realization had when talking to Ted the other day was how I felt like a tiny unheard/unappreciated little voice. I was talking to him about the only person who has made me feel as protected, heard, understand, and encouraged has been you Amber and completely you. I started to cry because I couldn't get the words out clearly when I realized "Ted, She's my Horton and I'm her who's" He got teary eyed too because he then could understand through a reference to one of my most favorite much you really do mean to me.

Never forget that you are my Horton and I am your who's.
"i am here. i am here. i am here."
Love you,
JO-JO from Apartment 12-J

Horton Hears a Who
On the fifteenth of May, in the jungle of Nool,
In the heat of the day, in the cool of the pool,
He was splashing…enjoying the jungle’s great joys…
When Horton the elephant heard a small noise.

So Horton stopped splashing. He looked towards the sound.
“That’s funny,” thought Horton. “There’s no one around.”
Then he heard it again! Just a very faint yelp
As if some tiny person were calling for help.
“I’ll help you,” said Horton. “But who are you? Where?”
He looked and he looked. He could see nothing there
But a small speck of dust blowing past though the air.

“I say!” murmured Horton. “I’ve never heard tell
Of a small speck of dust that is able to yell.
So you know what I think?…Why, I think that there must
Be someone on top of that small speck of dust!
Some sort of a creature of very small size,
too small to be seen by an elephant’s eyes…

“…some poor little person who’s shaking with fear
That he’ll blow in the pool! He has no way to steer!
I’ll just have to save him. Because, after all,
A person’s a person, no matter how small.”

So, gently, and using the greatest of care,
The elephant stretched his great trunk through the air,
And he lifted the dust speck and carried it over
And placed it down, safe, on a very soft clover.

“Humpf!” humpfed a voice. Twas a sour Kangaroo.
And the young kangaroo in he pouch said “Humpf!” too
“Why, that speck is as small as the head of a pin.
A person on that?…why, there never has been!”

“Believe me,” said Horton. “I tell you sincerely,
My ears are quite keen and I heard him quite clearly.
I know there’s a person down there. And, what’s more,
Quite likely there’s two. Even three. Even four.
Quite likely…

“…a family, for all that we know!
A family with children just starting to grow.
So, please,” Horton said, “as a favour to me,
Try not to disturb them. Just let them be.”

“I think you’re a fool!” laughed the sour kangaroo
And the young kangaroo in her pouch said, “Me, too!
You’re the biggest blame fool in the jungle of Nool!”
And the kangaroos plunged in the cool of the pool.
“What terrible splashing!” the elephant frowned.
“I can’t let my very small persons get drowned!
I’ve got to protect them. I’m bigger than they.”
So he plucked up the clover and hustled away.

Through the high jungle tree tops, the news quickly spread:
“He talks to a dust speck! He’s out of his head!
Just look at him walk with that speck on the flower!”
And Horton walked, worrying, almost an hour.
“Should I put this speck down?…” Horton though with alarm.
“If I do, these small persons may come to great harm.
I can’t put it down. And I won’t! After all
A person’s a person. No matter how small.”

Then Horton stopped walking.
The speck-voice was talking!
The voice was so faint he could just barely hear it.
“Speak up, please,” Said Horton. He put his ear near it.
“My friend,” came the voice, “you’re a very fine friend.
You’ve helped all us folks on this dust speck no end.
You’ve saved all our houses, our ceilings and floors.
You’ve saved all our churches and grocery stores.”

“You mean…” Horton gasped, “you have buildings there, too?”
“Oh, yes,” piped the voice. “We most certainly do…
“I know,” called the voice, “I’m too small to be seen
But I’m Mayor of a town that is friendly and clean.
Our buildings, to you, would seem terribly small
But to us, who aren’t big, they are wonderfully tall.
My town is called Who-ville, for I am a Who
And we Whos are all thankful and greatful to you”

And Horton called back to the Mayor of the town,
“You’re safe now. Don’t worry. I won’t let you down.”

But, Just as he spoke to the Mayor of the speck,
Three big jungle monkeys climbed up Horton’s neck!
The Wickersham Brothers came shouting, “What rot!
This elephants talking to Whos who are not!
There aren’t any Whos! And they don’t have a Mayor!
And we’re going to stop all this nonsense! So there!”

They snatched Horton’s clover! They carried it off
To a black-bottomed eagle named Valad Vlad-I-koff,
A mighty strong eagle, of very swift wing,
And they said, “Will you kindly get rid of this thing?”
And, before the poor elephant could even speak,
That eagle flew off with the flower in his beak.

All that late afternoon and far into the night
That black-bottomed bird flapped his wings in fast flight,
While Horton chased after, with groans, over stones
That tattered his toenails and battered his bones,
And begged, “Please don’t harm all my little folks, who
Have as much right to live as us bigger folk do!”

But far, far beyond him, that eagle kept flapping
And over his shoulder called back, “Quit your yapping.
I’ll fly the night through. I’m a bird. I don’t mind it.
And I’ll hide this, tomorrow, where you’ll never find it!”

And at 6:56 the next morning he did it.
It sure was a terrible place that he hid it.
He let that small clover drop somewhere inside
Of a great patch of clovers a hundred miles wide!
“Find THAT!” sneered the bird. “But I think you will fail.”
And he left
With a flip
Of his black-bottomed tail.

“I’ll find it!” cried Horton. “I’ll find it or bust!
I SHALL find my friends on my small speck of dust!”
And clover, by clover, by clover with care
He picked up and searched the, and called, “Are you there?”
But clover, by clover, by clover he found
That the one that he sought for was just not around.
And by noon poor old Horton, more dead than alive,
Had picked, searched, and piled up, nine thousand and five.

Then, on through the afternoon, hour after hour…
Till he found them at last! On the three millionth flower!
“My friends!” cried the elephant. “Tell me! Do tell!
Are you safe? Are you sound? Are you whole? Are you well?”

From down on the speck came the voice of the Mayor:
“We’ve really had trouble! Much more than our share.
When that black-bottomed birdie let go and we dropped,
We landed so hard that our clocks have all stopped.
Our tea pots are broken. Our rocking-chairs are smashed.
And our bicycle tires all blew up when we crashed.
So, Horton, Please!” pleaded that voice of the Mayor’s,
“Will you stick by us Whos while we’re making repairs?”

“Of course,” Horton answered. “Of course I will stick.
I’ll stick by you small folks though thin and though thick!”

“Humpf!” humpfed a voice!
“For almost two days you’ve run wild and insisted
On chatting with persons who’ve never existed.
Such carryings-on in our peaceable jungle!
We’ve had quite enough of your bellowing bungle!
And I’m here to state,” snapped the big kangaroo,
“That your silly nonsensical game is all through!”
And the young kangaroo in her pouch said, “Me, too!”

“With the help of the Wickersham Brothers and dozens
Of Wickersham Uncles and Wickershams Cousins
And Wickersham In-Laws, whose help I’ve engaged,
You’re going to be roped! And you’re going to be caged!
And, as for your dust speck…hah!
That we shall boil
In a hot steaming kettle of Beezle-Nut Oil!”
“Boil it?…” gasped Horton!
“Oh, that you can’t do!
It’s all full of persons!
They’ll prove it to you!”

“Mr. Mayor! Mr. Mayor!” Horton called. “Mr. Mayor!
You’ve got to prove that you really are there!
So call a big meeting. Get everyone out.
Make every Who holler! Make every Who shout!
Make every Who scream! If you don’t, every Who
Is going to end up in a Beezle-Nut stew!”

And, down on the dust speck, the scared little Mayor
Quick called a big meeting in Who-ville Town Square.
And his people cried loudly. They cried out in fear:
“We are here! We are here! We are here!”

The elephant smiled: “That was clear as a bell.
You Kangaroos surely heard that very well.”
“All I heard,” snapped the big kangaroo, “Was the breeze,
And the faint sound of wind through the far-distant trees.
I heard no small voices. And you didn’t either.”
And the you kangaroo in her pouch said, “Me, neither.”

“Grab him!” they shouted. “And cage the big dope!
Lasso his stomach with ten miles of rope!
Tie the knots tight so he’ll never shake lose!
Then dunk that dumb speck in the Beezle-Nut juice!”

Horton fought back with great vigor and vim
But the Wickersham gang was too many for him.
They beat him! They mauled him! They started to haul
Him into his cage! But he managed to call
To the Mayor: “Don’t give up! I believe in you all
A person’s a person, no matter how small!
And you very small persons will not have to die
If you make yourselves heard! So come on, now, and TRY!”

The Mayor grabbed a tom-tom. He started to smack it.
And, all over Who-ville, they whooped up a racked.
They rattled tie kettles! They beat on brass pans,
On garbage pail tops and old cranberry cans!
They blew on bazooka and blasted great toots
On clarinets, oom-pahs and boom-pahs and flutes!

Great gusts of loud racket rang high through the air.
They rattled and shook the whole sky! And the Mayor
Called up through the howling mad hullabaloo:
“Hey Horton! Hows this? Is our sound coming through?”

And Horton called back, “I can hear you just fine.
But the kangaroos’ ears aren’t as strong, quite, as mine.
They don’t hear a thing! Are you sure all you boys
Are doing their best? Are they ALL making noise?
Are you sure every Who down in Who-ville is working?
Quick! Look through your town! Is there anyone shirking?”

Through the town rushed the Mayor, From the east to the west.
But everyone seemed to be doing his best.
Everyone seemed to be yapping or yipping!
Everyone seemed to be beeping or bipping!
But it wasn’t enough, all this ruckus and roar!
He HAD to find someone to help him make more.
He raced through each building! He searched floor-to-floor!

And, just as he felt he was getting nowhere,
And almost about to give up in despair,
He suddenly burst through a door and that Mayor
Discovered one shirker! Quite hidden away
In the Fairfax Apartments (Apartment 12-J)
A very small, very small shirker named Jo-Jo
was standing, just standing, and bouncing a Yo-Yo!
Not making a sound! Not a yipp! Not a chirp!
And the Mayor rushed inside and he grabbed the young twerp!

And he climbed with the lad up the Eiffelberg Tower.
“This,” cried the Mayor, “is your towns darkest hour!
The time for all Whos who have blood that is red
To come to the aid of their country!” he said.
“We’ve GOT to make noises in greater amounts!
So, open your mouth, lad! For every voice counts!”

Thus he spoke as he climbed. When they got to the top,
The lad cleared his throat and he shouted out, “YOPP!”

And that Yopp…
That one small, extra Yopp put it over!
Finally, at last! From that speck on that clover
Their voices were heard! They rang out clear and clean.
And the elephant smiled. “Do you see what I mean?…
They’ve proved they ARE persons, no matter how small.
And their whole world was saved by the smallest of All!”

“How true! Yes, how true,” said the big kangaroo.
“And, from now on, you know what I’m planning to do?…
From now on, I’m going to protect them with you!”
And the young kangaroo in her pouch said…
“…ME, TOO!”
“From the sun in the summer. From rain when it’s fall-ish,
I’m going to protect them. No matter how small-ish!”

The end!


Thursday, April 8, 2010

An Animal With a Heart

I learned to do dishes at four
not sure it was a great idea
based on the many found upon the floor.
Started driving the riding mower when I was 12
never wanted to admit how terrifying those hills were
or how sad it was as the mower spit out all those critters
Never mentioned the times I hit the barn the bin or the fence
I'm sure the damage left was enough evidence
Rode around our family farm on a john Deere
wearing only a two piece swimming suit and a ponytail in my hair
I learned to drive in the waterways
14 and fearless
Grandpa yelling "calm-it down"
"you'd never drive like this on into town!"
Laughing at the craziness of it all
Nothing was scary unless I made the call
Stepping on anthills, stopped my heart
All those millions of ants
all wiped out
and all of it was all my fault
Daring and brave to try anything
Terrified underneath I might not be liked?
a life filled with guilt, craziness and doubt.
I like change and taking risks,
but can't stand to lose my pet fish?
I can run for miles on empty and decide to go one more
But if you doubt me I crumble to the floor?
I love a challenge for a little bit, but
give me no chance for air and I come up and spit!?
Sweet and sensitive, feisty and brave
What's the confusion all about
I think I might have me all figured out.
I'm an animal with a heart.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Hey Ted,
I love you more than all the stars in the sky, to the moon and past it, all the way to eternity....+ 1. Thank you for coming my way and I came to you so now we met in the middle again. You are worth every breath to fight for. And if I had come up with that idea about the goldfish in the bathtub the high school boy said last night....(Tons of goldfish in a bathtub and then he brought in his girly friend and said, "Out of all the fish in the sea I choose you. Will you go to prom with me?") If I had thought of that and our toxic contaminated water wouldn't kill the fish, I would have done that for you. Soooooo cute and romantic don't you agree? Anyway. I wanted to tell you that in front of everyone because it is honest and true and I will always, always, always, love you.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Jake's First Complete and Clear Sentence

On the way home from Wal-mart tonight Jake said his first complete and clear sentence. It was,
"Mommy, Grant told me I was stupid."
Very clear. Total lie.
Grant said he didn't and while I know Grant's lying face and body language, I am just learning Jake's lying face and body language.
When we got home I heard a *SLAP* and they both started yelling and I said, who hit who? Jake said, "Grant hit me!" Grant just shook his head like, "for crying out loud...seriously...I'm gonna get into trouble for this again even though I didn't do it!" I said,
"Jake did you hit Grant?"
"Jake did you hit Grant?"
"Jake did you hit Grant?"
"Jake did you hit Grant?"
"You did? Did you lie to Mommy?"
Ok, so I think I figured out the Jake-lie-face" after the fourth lie. He also lifts his right leg up a little and touches his toe to the ground, takes a little breath in and does a slight tip downward of his chin. Just a little info. Don't lie to me people... I've got you all figured out. If you are wondering if I am talking to you... Well, did you lie to me? Hahahahahahahahahaha!

“The Wisdom That Comes From Not Knowing”

I want to do spoken poetry.  I want to stand in front of children and tell a story with such theatrical illusionary magic and  dimension tha...