Monday, April 5, 2010

Jake's First Complete and Clear Sentence

On the way home from Wal-mart tonight Jake said his first complete and clear sentence. It was,
"Mommy, Grant told me I was stupid."
Very clear. Total lie.
Grant said he didn't and while I know Grant's lying face and body language, I am just learning Jake's lying face and body language.
When we got home I heard a *SLAP* and they both started yelling and I said, who hit who? Jake said, "Grant hit me!" Grant just shook his head like, "for crying out loud...seriously...I'm gonna get into trouble for this again even though I didn't do it!" I said,
"Jake did you hit Grant?"
"Jake did you hit Grant?"
"Jake did you hit Grant?"
"Jake did you hit Grant?"
"You did? Did you lie to Mommy?"
Ok, so I think I figured out the Jake-lie-face" after the fourth lie. He also lifts his right leg up a little and touches his toe to the ground, takes a little breath in and does a slight tip downward of his chin. Just a little info. Don't lie to me people... I've got you all figured out. If you are wondering if I am talking to you... Well, did you lie to me? Hahahahahahahahahaha!


Anonymous said...

I know what you learn to read those close to you...and you can tell when they aren't being totally honest. Remember some kids (and adults) will lie save their own skin. You know how I feel about lies...and you know I do not lie to you! (Bet you wish I did sometimes). Love Always...and that's the truth.

Joanna Reinhardt-Anderson said...

I would rather hear the truth, no matter how painful...than a lie. I know you don't lie, it's one of the things I love the most about you.

Joanna Reinhardt-Anderson said...

P.S. Anonymous #1, someone stole your alias!

“The Wisdom That Comes From Not Knowing”

I want to do spoken poetry.  I want to stand in front of children and tell a story with such theatrical illusionary magic and  dimension tha...