I have been practicing taking the emotion out of things. While I don't think I should, it was simply an experiment in my own mind and a trial and test of human nature. We are all animals. We act like animals. Not necessarily savage beasts ready for a kill or a carnivorous creature stalking others with only one thing in mind in life. Well, most of us anyway. If you you have ever watched national geographic "nat-geo" :-), you can see such similarities in the basic reactions of even the smallest creatures compared even to the most complex creatures. Somethings are always existent: agendas, manipulation, protection, defensive behavior, offensive behavior, anger outbursts, setting others straight, getting a point across, the desire for food and water, the desire to reproduce, the desire for connection, (even if it is only at one point in the creatures entire life), and the need for enjoyment, play and freedom.
A concept that always surprises me about humans is their lack of ability in understanding that if you push another human (animal) into any sort of perceived corner, cage or restriction, they WILL defend themselves. Some use a fight mechanism and some use a flight mechanism. Yet, there is also a encoded defensive mechanism in place for all creatures that reminds them that a skunk will make a horrid stench if you bother it, a porcupine will shoot sharp and painful spurs if you challenge it, a tiger will pounce if you antagonize it, a dog will bite if you get near its food...and the smart creatures won't make the same mistake twice. I know that humans are more complex and have the amazing gift of communication, speech, forgiveness, faith, hope, etc, however, sometimes our animal nature is stronger than any of these things.
Ted and I were talking about the dynamic of relationships in which you feel wronged so you are an animal on the defence. They treat you poorly no matter how hard you try to mend the relationship and your animal nature ingrains a strong sense and desire to avoid these people. After all, no matter how selfish it seems, we are animals and we must survive.
A concept that always surprises me about humans is their lack of ability in understanding that if you push another human (animal) into any sort of perceived corner, cage or restriction, they WILL defend themselves. Some use a fight mechanism and some use a flight mechanism. Yet, there is also a encoded defensive mechanism in place for all creatures that reminds them that a skunk will make a horrid stench if you bother it, a porcupine will shoot sharp and painful spurs if you challenge it, a tiger will pounce if you antagonize it, a dog will bite if you get near its food...and the smart creatures won't make the same mistake twice. I know that humans are more complex and have the amazing gift of communication, speech, forgiveness, faith, hope, etc, however, sometimes our animal nature is stronger than any of these things.
Ted and I were talking about the dynamic of relationships in which you feel wronged so you are an animal on the defence. They treat you poorly no matter how hard you try to mend the relationship and your animal nature ingrains a strong sense and desire to avoid these people. After all, no matter how selfish it seems, we are animals and we must survive.
I was once told that when a relationship is broken by trust or any other hurtful thing that relationship is never the same.(not that is should end just not the same) There are always going to be scars of hurt or mistrust. Those cracks will get smaller over time if the person is diligently working on repairing them but if not they just get cracked open time and again if not allowed to heal properly. Praying for healing in whatever relationship you need it the most! God knows which ones so no need to share with us :) Love you girl!
I wasn't really speaking of any one particularly anyway
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