I called the water guy and he came the same day. He fixed it in one hour. I have been living with this for no reason at all. It was a simple fix. Of course it will probably cost a load. I have noticed the change already today!
The show Grant and went to last night was okay. We have seen better, but it was nice to do something different. He really gets inspired by the arts. I think I'll get him and I season tickets to those type of shows next year. He loves any kind of performance. Although it was a little long. We don't "get" intermissions. 10 minutes into the intermission he was asking if we could just go home because it was taking too long to start again. If my hyper 5 year old can sit through the show, I'm pretty sure everyone else could just deal. If someone really needed to pee or whatever, couldn't they just leave as needed? We didn't get home until 10pm. As far as spending $50 for the both of us total to see the show.... not sure it was worth it. I came home and got online and typed in the names of the people in the show into YouTube and showed Ted pretty much everything we saw at the performance.....for free.
He came home, put himself into bed and was out like a light. Mom watched Jake for me. Ted had to work 9pm-11pm last night. Then he had to work 7am-3am today, he came home, slept, then went back to work at 9pm and will get home at 7am tomorrow morning.
Here OPS employee, work these erratic shifts, get real physically and emotionally exhausted and then we will give you a gun, etc. and a lot of power to police this campus! Ummmm. Need I say more?
Ok, time for some random thoughts that I committed to memory throughout my day:
1)"Hey rude bald dude
with a gote
I no-like-e"
2) Jake told me he thought my nipples were awesome! Wait, just my right one not my left one. He pointed and said "that nipple is awesome!"
3) Jake told me he shoved garbage up his nose, I checked, didn't see anything, but he kept complaining about it all day. Then I found him on all fours blowing his nose with a passion, and out comes an approx. 1 inch long piece of plastic. It was obviously broken and I worried the rest of the day and honestly I am still worried that there is still plastic rammed up his nose.
4) Jake saw some baby kittens at Arline's neighbors and Grant told me that the mommy cat hated Jake because he picked up one of her babies by its head.
5) Creepy water guy told me that he didn't need us to be home because he has a key to our house....?
6) I planted the broccoli, carrots, radishes, kaleidoscope peppers, green peppers, and celebrity tomatoes so far, but have so much more to plant.
7) When I was watching Grant on the bleachers at swimming lessons, (We can watch through a window from the lobby), there was a mom there with her teenage daughter right next to me.
The mother turns to her daughter and tilts her head to the side and says, "eww, we need to get you in to get your hair dyed..."
"I know." says the submissive daughter.
"Oh, and we need them to do something about those eyebrows while we are there!"
I know you are all wondering what rude thing I did or said at that moment, but I didn't do anything! I was too shocked.
Plus, if I had opened my mouth something like this would have come out:
"Ewww, we really need to get you in to see a plastic surgeon because your ugly needs some work, but I'm not sure the plastic surgeon can work on inner ugliness, maybe you should have a jerkectomy...!"
Sorry, teenage girls are viscous enough to each other, they don't need their own mother's to jump on their backs to weigh them down even more.
I'm not sure what it is about the YMCA but I have met the most amazing people there and I have met some of the biggest jerks in the world there. I have so many stories you wouldn't believe that have happened in our YMCA. You have to know they must equal out or I wouldn't still love going there more than anywhere else I go.
8) Grant and I got to have an interesting talk about alcohol again last night. He asks great questions and I am happy to give completely honest answers. I always choose to go the medical and physical affects of the things we do or don't do. I try to leave my opinions out of the conversation. Although, I did tell him that Mommy and Daddy choose not to drink because it is a choice we have made. I find it works the best for Grant and I. No lying, no deceiving, no beating around the bush...just facts. I'm not necessarily proud that he is now able to share what alcohol does to the cells and organs in your body. Ted and I just always swore we would answer his questions when he asked them....and we always have. We were driving down Lafayette and some college kids had a sign that said, "Honk and we will take a drink" and there was a yard full of people. He can read the word "honk", and he told me to honk and I informed him what the rest of the sign said. He said, "oh, a drink of what?" I said, "alcohol". He said, "Don't honk" and I said "don't worry honey, I won't". Then the rest of the conversation about alcohol followed.
9) I called the lawyer today and felt I expressed my concern and frustrations in a mature and rational manor. I really appreciated the woman I spoke to. She was kind and considerate as well as understanding. I could have called and yelled, which is what I felt like doing, but I am fully aware that I would never get what I want if I treated someone badly. I find it incredibly upsetting that we started the lawyers on the school district process in November and here we are in April and still nowhere. We are about ready to turn in our blueprints and that would mean we need the deed in 8 weeks so we could get our loan and then pay for the home to be delivered and put together on site. Now we are looking at August rather than June or July for finally getting into our home.
It could be even later....blah
This blog is too long. I'll be done.
Just remember this Ted, never trust a man with a mustache! :-)
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