Saturday, April 17, 2010

Christian Academy Awards/ Crazy Brennan and Grant-ness

My church youth group are putting on a Christian Academy Awards Ceremony tomorrow night. They chose categories they deemed worthy of reward. Best Baker, Best Preacher, Best Window Display, Best Bible Verse, Best hymn, etc. We did a run thru last night. They are a great group of kids. They are all VERY different and yet, oddly very similar at the same time. Their current Sunday School teacher and I had to get them back on track a few more times than we would have liked but, I guess that's what we get with this age group. I keep forgetting that I am working with kids that are my nephews age. It seems so weird that Lucas is already so old.

I remember being in school when I was younger and wondering on the very first day of class if the teacher was going to be mean or not based on the first class we had with them. I soon learned the common theme of laying down the law on the first day to let the class know the expectations and then they seemed to chill after that and were much more light hearted and understanding. Well, the nice one's were anyway. Last night I had let the shenanigans go on for quite some time and could see it was getting to a point where I needed to lay down the law. I let them know that they were not only disrespecting each other by talking over each other and interrupting each other during the run-thru, but they were being disrespectful to all of the adults time who had come there to help them get ready for the event. They all got very quiet and I could see the shocked looks on their faces as I had never even given anything to them but encouragement and a thumbs up since I'd met them. I quickly went right back to normal as if I hadn't even had to correct them and I smiled, encouraged and helped them the rest of the time as normal. I wondered if I looked like a jerk to them, or if they felt like I would have I was gonna cry. I always hated...and still do, disappointing anyone.

I actually went out and bought myself a dress today. It is so cute. Yeah, I said it, I bought a dress and I said it was cute! Fancy.

Don't worry I'm still me, I went out and worked in the garden this afternoon and dug in the dirt so much I can't scrub hard enough to get the dirt out of the skin around my fingernails. I decided to cut all of my fingernails down while I'm gardening.

Grant and Brennan played in the yard this afternoon and evening. I only heard some random comments/questions:
*Can we have these logs? We need them for the Brady games? (Then they carried off about 12 logs by themselves. I offered the wheel barrel, but they didn't need it because, "we are strong like our Dad's"

* "Be careful if you come over here (the lower driveway) if you trip on our stuff you will die."

* "I'm pretty sure I hear death everywhere."

* "How do you know there are gremlins in the creek?" "I just do!" "Did you see them?" "no, but I heard them and I could tell they had been there!" "OH! COOL!"

Yeah, um, they are weird.

Anyway, while they did their creepy thing, I planted the roma tomatoes, green beans, yellow onions, lima beans and lettuce. I still have so much more to get planted. I justified working in the garden instead of running today because I ran 5 miles yesterday and after I work in the garden I feel like I have ran 8 miles.

I feel so tired tonight I don't feel right. Seriously...I feel like I did right after waking up from anesthesia. I'm weak and shaky. I feel terrible. I think I'm going to try and go to bed now.

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“The Wisdom That Comes From Not Knowing”

I want to do spoken poetry.  I want to stand in front of children and tell a story with such theatrical illusionary magic and  dimension tha...