"Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strength.When you go through hardship and decide not to surrender, that is strength."
This morning I woke up to a crash. Grant had climbed up onto the counter, (not something I ever let him do, although some people do, so he gets confused), then he fell down while trying to get cookies for breakfast. When I came out he was unscathed and onto his next spastic activity. There is so much contradiction in that boys life that he doesn't even know what is acceptable. I set firm rules and boundaries. No one seems to care what I work hard on. If I came into your workplace and took your work and tore it to pieces it would be the equivalent to people disrespecting me and the rules I set for my boys. Yesterday my 2 year old told me to "shut-up". I told him we don't speak that way to anyone ever and asked Grant where he may have heard that. He informed me that a respectable adult in their life told them to "shut-up" the other day. I wasn't surprised as this same person has told me to "shut-up" before.
Shortly after Grant's crash this morning, I had to make an appointment to get him into the doctor because he had a bacterial infection in his eye. I knew it was bacterial due to the yellowish-green puss coming from his eye. After I had been gone all day yesterday, Ted called me at 5:15pm to tell me that Grant woke up with this. I asked what I was to do now that he had waited all day after preschool, swimming lessons and the doctor's office closing? (Rhetorical snide comment). So I woke up today, (when Ted had to work another craptastic abnormal shift 7am-3pm) and make an appointment not to mention miss Jake's swimming lessons when I am trying to get a job at the YMCA: (yeah that looks freakin' awesome...so dependable). When I called I was glad I did because they reminded me that Grant had his Kindergarten physical and immunizations in like 15 minutes! So, I high tailed it out of the house, realized Ted took the car with my money in it, and made it to the appointment right on time. When Grant realized he was going to get six shots (three in each leg) he flipped out and tried to run out of the office. He is so hard to physically restrain that I have become a master at calming and convincing(manipulation/distraction) whatever you want to call it. It took forever to do, but it got done. I had no money to pay my co-pay, but they know I'm good for it. I then went to get my money from the car at the university, then discovered it wasn't there! I couldn't find my wallet anywhere! CRAP X 3 ! Ted let me have his debit card and I then went get a coffee drink from McDonald's and I thought everything would be OK after that. I was walking into Wal-greens to get Grant's medicine filled when Jake vomited all down himself and the front of me. It just kept coming, and coming, and coming. I had nothing to catch it with and stupidly stood there holding my hand under his mouth as if it was going to catch and hold the gallons of puke spewing out of his mouth. I had no idea he was feeling ill or that anything was off. He was hyper and his regular monkey self all morning. General Jake had been leading his imaginary army of submissives all morning. I looked at Grant and said "go find someone and ask for some paper towels", he did...and came running back with a roll. The cashier brought a bag to put them in and I took off Jake's clothes and shoved them in the bag too. I walked over to the clothes rack and bought some clothes for him so I could get all that I needed without looking like a degenerate. Although the smell of vomit was astounding! Thankfully Grant was in mild mode and didn't ask for one thing. He stayed close and was very helpful. Jake never acted sick the rest of the time. He spent the rest of the Walgreens trip screaming for gum and my coffee.
So, I've had a great day so far! How has your day been? Hopefully better, if not, I'm pretty sure that the world is imploding.
Tonight we have the other school board meeting so that we can wait for them to tell us no. I'm glad to miss my wt. lifting class again so that we can go sit and listen to them talk for two minutes and decide nothing. Not to mention the lawyer should have had this done months ago. Bitter? Yes. Is it annoying you? Most certainly....
I'm venting, so chill okay.
Everyone has days like this or weeks sometimes and if they say they don't then they are LIARS. I totally agree that your struggles make you stronger. Though they are never fun to go through once on the other side it feels good. Keep writing!
careful what you ask for you know i always get myself into trouble!
I agree about the stuggles make you stronger and I also believe they make the next time easier to handle because you've experienced the struggle already so you learn from them too! I try to teach that to Jacob all the time.
I think you look for trouble...jk! Love you :)
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