Today was fine! It was better than fine. I was reminded of some very important things today: faith, grace, perseverance, appreciation and gratitude. I'm not sure how to put something so pure into words. I sat a table across from an old friend and listened as she spoke of the fears of her husband's cancer and the unknowns of how far it had spread in his body. The time they must wait until they know how successful the radiation treatments were seems like an eternity. She is unable to get around without the aid of canes, walkers, scooters, etc. She gets around her house holding onto the fixtures and she is in constant pain due her own health problems. I watched as the tears rolled down her face with the uncertainty of her future and the love and helplessness she feels for her soul mate. This friend is someone who helped me through a very tough time in my life. She counseled me through an eating disorder and helped me see the humor in my life when I saw only sadness. Here I sat across the table from her eager to return the favor in anyway I could. She wanted to feel calm in her own home. You know the calmness you feel when everything is in its right place in your home? It can actually make you feel better when you feel ill. It can make your soul at ease when all about your world seems to be falling in. So, I talked with her about what I could do around the house and she was the best person I have ever cleaned for. She told me exactly what she wanted and I was able to do it. I will get to go back next week to do some more because I wasn't able to get as much done as I would have liked. Their home is just beautiful. They are just beautiful people. She won't let me do it without being paid. I don't know how not to take the money when she says she will be offended if I don't take it. I feel ill getting paid to do what I need to do. I have to figure this out. She even made me the most amazing coffee in the morning, gourmet lunch, and fresh brewed iced tea. God put her into my world right now for a reason, I just know it.
Just for the record:
The doctor did call my medicine in yesterday, the pharmacy lost the order, so I got it today! I feel so much better.
The boys got into the library hour crafts!
It rained, but I saw the sun!
The house wasn't clean when I got home, but I cleaned for someone else so in another way that was just as satisfying.
The boys didn't jump off of anything and get hurt that I know off, but lord did they have hyper-juice flowing through their veins. The YMCA nursery staff was not sad to see them leave tonight! They had to clear off the middle of the floor in the nursery and create an area to facilitate energy release. They told me they had them doing cart wheels, somersaults, sit-ups, jumping-jacks, etc. and told me that they hoped they had settled them down enough that they were a bit more calmed down for me. I asked the boys if they had pure sodie-coke running through their veins and Grant said, "Does Sprite count?"
So, I did get to run my five miles! I ran it in 50 minutes! I can't believe that I could barely run two miles the other day without stopping and tonight I ran five in 50 minutes. Granted it isn't any great time. That is like 10 minute miles.... But hey better than 60 minutes right!?
So, today was better. Darren was right...(see this mornings comment). I love you Darren! I'm looking forward to the 4th of July weekend!
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