Written 6/1/2010
1) Time when just Ted and the boys and I are all together and all awake...this almost never happens. But,when it does, I treasure it so much. We are good at pretending that the rest of the world doesn't want anything from us, isn't mad at us, or rejecting us for some reason. This little family has the potential to grow into a tight, supportive, loving, encouraging, emotional, silly, crazy, wild, hysterical and forever young family. If only we can remember that these are our children...I'm pretty sure I remember the pregnancies, labors and deliveries of both boys quite well enough not to let anyone else take over my role. BOOOOYAHH!
2) Ted working Day shifts!
3) Grant's great behavior
4) Jake showing signs that he can tell emotion on TV or on others. "Why are you sad? They are sad Mommy! They are mad Mommy. That was uncept-table-able Mommy!"
5) Grant ran a fast 1/4 mile around the University track today. I told him to take his time, but he has been raised by me so he wanted to break records or something. He is also his father because his feet move so fast and his upper body could be having a tea party it stays so still. Tomorrow he will be running 2 laps which will be his 1/2 mile. I will have just done my running/practicing for Saturday's race so I hope he doesn't want me to run with him. He is too fast for me. I would do it if he really wanted me too though.
6) I appreciate the nervousness and excitement of turning in both an application to a place I wish to be employed and trying to get into graduate school with an assistantship so darn late. I still have plans up my sleeve's. I'm the kind of nervous that tells you that no matter how it works out it will be exactly what it is meant to be.
7) I'm happy I got to run today three miles without having to stop. Apparently that is hard to do with my body these days!???
8) Air conditioning in the basement
9) Getting Grant quality shoes to run in other than those clunky character shoes from Wal-mart. Those are fine if you don't plan on bending your foot at all in any natural way. I spent too much money, but I make up for it by not letting him have everything he wants, he has to do extra chores for extra shoes but I make them fun ones. I have a thing about having quality shoes. Not necessarily name brand, but quality. We got him the asics gels like we have. So Ted, Grant, Mom and I all have the same brand and style of shoes, it wasn't planned it just showed the quality of that shoe. I guess I should add the shoe to the like list now huh? No Problem: Gladly!
9.5) I have two pair of Gel-Asics: One pair for outside running and one for the YMCA. The only reason I could do this is because Mom gave me a pair for Christmas and I got the other pair on sale at ShopKo. One of my Pair is red and white Gel-Kanbarra 4's and the other one's are the same as Mom's and unfortunately they are mostly pink. They are Gel-Kasanos. Grant has red and black GT-ONYX's, and Ted had a now unidentifiable pair, which means I mean need to buy him new ones too.
10) OK now time for more product plugs. After my shower today I thought of so many things I have tried in the past and how I have found the perfect products for me. They may not work for you. I'm not telling anyone they are non-toxic, b/c everything we touch is potentially toxic.
11) Crest 3D Advanced Vivid- I'm 30, I've tried all toothpastes at some point or another and this is my favorite!
12) I mentioned the Jergens natural glow moisturizer before but I forgot to say that I use it along with the healthy complexion daily moisturizer for your face UVA/UVB SPF 20 MEDIUM TAN at night after my shower and along with the other jergens body lotion.
*Some people may be able to go to the darkest lotions they have for both face and body due to your skin tone. I wouldn't be afraid to try it.
13)Garnier Nutritioniste Skin Renew antisun damage daily moisture lotion SPF 28: I use it in the morning even if I'm not planning on puting on make-up
14)Garnier Fructis Anti-frizz serum: sleek and shine: if you have frizzy hair like I do. I put it on after I blow dry it. It looks like you are putting oil on your hair, so don't use that much (I found out the hard way: can you say homeless hair meets the first three months after you have a baby hair?). Since I never really do my hair, it is a nice treat to see how nice my hair can look when I really try.
15) I only use three pieces of make-up: Physicians Formula Concealer Twins: It is seems crazy but one side is green conclealer and one side is your skin tone. Apparently, the green is what make-up artists use to cover up red from blemishes or red patches on your skin. Then the the other goes on top of the green and you can't even see what you were covering up! I just found this because I could never find the one I used to wear. Thank God for Wal-marts crappy re-stocking job!
Then I use Trublend minerals by Covergirl loose mineral powder all over my face and neck. It rocks. I finish with Covergirl cheekers blush. Sometimes I use eyeliner, but I never wear mascara. Everything I buy is something I learned from my Mom when I was well into my 20's and when she was learning it. I never knew anything about being a girl until I was much too old..... I still need to wax my eyebrows more than I do, but it is hard to change old habits. I won't ever care about my fingernails or toenails and if you ever see them painted it is to cover up a nasty crushed nail or because I'm trying to look Peeerrrrttteee for Ted. Well, and I guess to make myself stop biting them!
"I love people who have been through adversity and heartache and obstacles as impossible as the sun itself. They usually make it out with hearts as warm as gold. Cores made of fire. Lives soaked with full intention. Hope like another morning. They know how to start again- how to walk through walls with palms wide open, and how to begin at the edge, and end. Those to me, are the best people." ~Victoria Erickson
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1 comment:
I love the info you share...some of it makes me laugh (the frizzy hair...got that from me) and some of it I want to try...and some of it keeps me up on what is going on. It's so upbeat, just what I need late at night.
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