So maybe ya'all didn't know how cool my ma can be :
"Your Dad and I both had less then optimal days. I didn't go to my Y class...just wasn't in the mood. Instead I came home and trimmed, pulled a few weeds, and picked some green beans.
(note: Mom and Dad were babysitting my dog "Jada" while I was on a trip and she gets very homesick when we are gone.)
Jada refused to play outside, she just stayed on the step and waited to go back inside. After supper, I decided we would ALL go for a walk. While we couldn't get her to go out to play with us, just say "want to walk" and she whined until we had her on the leash. All 5 of us walked almost all the way to Joe's. (Mom, Dad, their two dogs and Jada) Your Dad and I shared our worst and best moments of the day. Later after we were inside, I was catching up on the old newspapers when I found an article about a really unlucky farmer. He was hit by lightening in 2006 and hasn't slept well since. He was outside on his farm in the middle of the night recently when he heard a noise and turned around to be knocked over and run over by a bear. His wrists were cut pretty bad. There was a stat included about how one was more likely to be mauled by a bear then hit by lightening. I cut the article out and posted it my fridge....your Dad and I decided our day wasn't so bad after all. Hope you can feel that way too. No blood was lost, we suffered no physical bruises, and I think we can all proclaim....."I'm not dead yet." (Monty Python reference) I might suggest... in your life, that when you feel "challenged" by keeping your frustrations under check with relatives that you refer to my favorite movie. Imagine that necklace of fruit loops, (a secret movie reference I cannot reveal or it would ruin our secret joke Reference) Or how about when the daughter reminds her mom to "just float" and remember that peaceful moment they shared on that special vacation, (Hope Floats reference). Take your pick. As the main character told her sister....we don't have to like each other...we are family. Love always....and remember to just float. Mom"
Sorry Mom, you write too well to hide it. For that reason and my lack of energy these days, your writing is my post tonight. If you keep them coming- I'll post them :-) Well, unless you begin to threaten me or worse...tell me you are disappointed in me! ;-P
Love you Mom thanks for listening the other day and for the unique way you have supported me along the way.
"I love people who have been through adversity and heartache and obstacles as impossible as the sun itself. They usually make it out with hearts as warm as gold. Cores made of fire. Lives soaked with full intention. Hope like another morning. They know how to start again- how to walk through walls with palms wide open, and how to begin at the edge, and end. Those to me, are the best people." ~Victoria Erickson
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Found The Best Summer Treat!
Four out of Four Anderson's agree Fruitfull 100% Natural Strawberry Juice Frozen Fruit Bars ROCK!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
I have one of those in my stomach!
Jake was playing with some toys and I found a stress ball shaped like a human brain. Jake picked it, shot up onto his feet and yelled, (while only inches from my face), "Mommy, I haves one of this in my stomach!"
Well, there we have it, I knew there was something off about that boy! If his brain is in his stomach then is his stomach in his brain? Maybe that is why he has had a fever lately.
I was trying to figure out if I should be taking him to the doctor if it is simply a virus, so I asked him a few questions. I asked if his belly hurt. He said, "no, your belly hurts!" I asked if it hurt in the back of his mouth and he said, "no it hurts in your mouse!" I asked if his head hurt and he said, "no your head hurts!" I asked if his ears hurt and he laughed and said, "no your ears hurt!" I asked if his sassy sarcastic and ornery button was hurting, he stopped and looked at me and said, "you're sassy and your butt hurts!"
I know what is wrong with him: he is a cross between Dan, Jim and Ted...and his brain isn't in the right place. He even said so. Oh, well Grant turned out awesome and there were days like this with him too. Let's hope for Jake's sake everyone...
I'm just teasing y'all. That little boy is hilarious and no matter who he becomes I will love him from the top of my stomach to the bottom of my brain!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
You all have to check out my best friends mother's website. She is an amazing photographer. If you look under the children's section you will find a photo called "brown eyes"; that is Jake last summer in Aledo at the frog jumping contest. Here is the website:
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Wow who'd a thunk that?

Today was fine! It was better than fine. I was reminded of some very important things today: faith, grace, perseverance, appreciation and gratitude. I'm not sure how to put something so pure into words. I sat a table across from an old friend and listened as she spoke of the fears of her husband's cancer and the unknowns of how far it had spread in his body. The time they must wait until they know how successful the radiation treatments were seems like an eternity. She is unable to get around without the aid of canes, walkers, scooters, etc. She gets around her house holding onto the fixtures and she is in constant pain due her own health problems. I watched as the tears rolled down her face with the uncertainty of her future and the love and helplessness she feels for her soul mate. This friend is someone who helped me through a very tough time in my life. She counseled me through an eating disorder and helped me see the humor in my life when I saw only sadness. Here I sat across the table from her eager to return the favor in anyway I could. She wanted to feel calm in her own home. You know the calmness you feel when everything is in its right place in your home? It can actually make you feel better when you feel ill. It can make your soul at ease when all about your world seems to be falling in. So, I talked with her about what I could do around the house and she was the best person I have ever cleaned for. She told me exactly what she wanted and I was able to do it. I will get to go back next week to do some more because I wasn't able to get as much done as I would have liked. Their home is just beautiful. They are just beautiful people. She won't let me do it without being paid. I don't know how not to take the money when she says she will be offended if I don't take it. I feel ill getting paid to do what I need to do. I have to figure this out. She even made me the most amazing coffee in the morning, gourmet lunch, and fresh brewed iced tea. God put her into my world right now for a reason, I just know it.
Just for the record:
The doctor did call my medicine in yesterday, the pharmacy lost the order, so I got it today! I feel so much better.
The boys got into the library hour crafts!
It rained, but I saw the sun!
The house wasn't clean when I got home, but I cleaned for someone else so in another way that was just as satisfying.
The boys didn't jump off of anything and get hurt that I know off, but lord did they have hyper-juice flowing through their veins. The YMCA nursery staff was not sad to see them leave tonight! They had to clear off the middle of the floor in the nursery and create an area to facilitate energy release. They told me they had them doing cart wheels, somersaults, sit-ups, jumping-jacks, etc. and told me that they hoped they had settled them down enough that they were a bit more calmed down for me. I asked the boys if they had pure sodie-coke running through their veins and Grant said, "Does Sprite count?"
So, I did get to run my five miles! I ran it in 50 minutes! I can't believe that I could barely run two miles the other day without stopping and tonight I ran five in 50 minutes. Granted it isn't any great time. That is like 10 minute miles.... But hey better than 60 minutes right!?
So, today was better. Darren was right...(see this mornings comment). I love you Darren! I'm looking forward to the 4th of July weekend!
Thoughts into the universe
I'm sending thoughts into the universe to see if anything happens:
The doctor will refill my medicine today
There will be room for the boys at the library summer reading program crafts
The house I am cleaning today will not take very long
When I come home our house will be clean
It won't rain today
I will get my five miler in today before class because I am behind for the coast to coast
I will get a job offer from the YMCA because I am so freakin' cool
The Regional School Board will call and say they moved up their meeting and they approved the land exchange so "Go ahead and get your build on!"
The boys won't jump of of anything and get hurt today
It will be a better day
There I did my part.
The doctor will refill my medicine today
There will be room for the boys at the library summer reading program crafts
The house I am cleaning today will not take very long
When I come home our house will be clean
It won't rain today
I will get my five miler in today before class because I am behind for the coast to coast
I will get a job offer from the YMCA because I am so freakin' cool
The Regional School Board will call and say they moved up their meeting and they approved the land exchange so "Go ahead and get your build on!"
The boys won't jump of of anything and get hurt today
It will be a better day
There I did my part.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Think Good thoughts
Think good thoughts...think good thoughts...think good thankful.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH BOOOOOM! That was me exploding. Ok now I'm fine.
Listen as I try and turn some of my frustrations into positive comments:
1) I'm sure the doctor filling in for my doctor while she is on maternity leave was too busy to refill my medicine all day. Doctors are over-worked anyway. He must have overlooked my name since he didn't want me to miss any days of this medicine and had told me this just the other day.
2) I hope that I can help our friend tomorrow while I clean her entire house. After all I did tell her to call me if she needed anything...I really did mean it...I just worry I won't do a good job to make her happy.
3) Even though the Toyota's paint job is chipping off all over for some apparent reason and rusting rapidly, I'm sure it still has great safety ratings and we still get great gas mileage.
4) After paying bills recently for all of the caretaking repairs we have been partaking in and other unexpected costs for sudden "crap!" expenses, we are now 3,000 short for our savings for the house. I hope there are rewards in the afterlife for taking a hit on your dream because you are too scared to ask for your money. We hate borrowing money from anyone. We don't want them to think we aren't grateful. We don't ask for repayment when people borrow money and we spend money to make others comfortable because they have done it for us. We need to stop being so passive when it comes to money. Although on second thought na, it wouldn't feel right. We just aren't meant to be that way. It is who we are, suffering or not.
5) I need to get a job, and I don't know if I can get hired. I'm not sure I can deal with the rejection in yet another area of my life. Fear of not getting something I've tried for has never stopped me before, why now? I won't know if I don't try and everyone goes through this, yet, probably at a much younger age and immediately out of college when one is more likely to be hired right?
6) I'm sure I've been feeling so depressed lately because of a simple reason that will be over soon. The permanent lump in my throat will go away soon. I'll run it out. I'll bike it out. I'll yoga or lift it out...
7) When playing peanuts with Grandma the other day, ( a game I have played with her thousands of times in my life since childhood), I had to explain the entire game to her again...rules and all. She had forgotten how to play it. I'm sure it is just like how I forget how to play Ted's family's card games every time I play them...I don't play them enough to commit them to memory....ok that doesn't work she has been playing this game for over 50 years.
Or maybe she is just overwhelmed with the basement flooding...or maybe she just needed a refresher and when I go back next time she will be all ready to go. I miss her. I look into her eyes and sometimes I don't see her there anymore. I want my other mother back. She has one foot out the door already. I hate that she talks like she is ready to go, and that she may not be around next year at this time. Sometimes she even says, "Goodbye"....I just can't do this positive spin right now.
I'm having a bad day.
I'm having a bad week.
I'm sad.
I'll be fine, I just needed to get it out.
Do you ever just need to cry or scream or run or crawl up onto your Grandpa's lap and pretend all the worlds problems have disappeared? Seriously Grandpa, I need your lap.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH BOOOOOM! That was me exploding. Ok now I'm fine.
Listen as I try and turn some of my frustrations into positive comments:
1) I'm sure the doctor filling in for my doctor while she is on maternity leave was too busy to refill my medicine all day. Doctors are over-worked anyway. He must have overlooked my name since he didn't want me to miss any days of this medicine and had told me this just the other day.
2) I hope that I can help our friend tomorrow while I clean her entire house. After all I did tell her to call me if she needed anything...I really did mean it...I just worry I won't do a good job to make her happy.
3) Even though the Toyota's paint job is chipping off all over for some apparent reason and rusting rapidly, I'm sure it still has great safety ratings and we still get great gas mileage.
4) After paying bills recently for all of the caretaking repairs we have been partaking in and other unexpected costs for sudden "crap!" expenses, we are now 3,000 short for our savings for the house. I hope there are rewards in the afterlife for taking a hit on your dream because you are too scared to ask for your money. We hate borrowing money from anyone. We don't want them to think we aren't grateful. We don't ask for repayment when people borrow money and we spend money to make others comfortable because they have done it for us. We need to stop being so passive when it comes to money. Although on second thought na, it wouldn't feel right. We just aren't meant to be that way. It is who we are, suffering or not.
5) I need to get a job, and I don't know if I can get hired. I'm not sure I can deal with the rejection in yet another area of my life. Fear of not getting something I've tried for has never stopped me before, why now? I won't know if I don't try and everyone goes through this, yet, probably at a much younger age and immediately out of college when one is more likely to be hired right?
6) I'm sure I've been feeling so depressed lately because of a simple reason that will be over soon. The permanent lump in my throat will go away soon. I'll run it out. I'll bike it out. I'll yoga or lift it out...
7) When playing peanuts with Grandma the other day, ( a game I have played with her thousands of times in my life since childhood), I had to explain the entire game to her again...rules and all. She had forgotten how to play it. I'm sure it is just like how I forget how to play Ted's family's card games every time I play them...I don't play them enough to commit them to memory....ok that doesn't work she has been playing this game for over 50 years.
Or maybe she is just overwhelmed with the basement flooding...or maybe she just needed a refresher and when I go back next time she will be all ready to go. I miss her. I look into her eyes and sometimes I don't see her there anymore. I want my other mother back. She has one foot out the door already. I hate that she talks like she is ready to go, and that she may not be around next year at this time. Sometimes she even says, "Goodbye"....I just can't do this positive spin right now.
I'm having a bad day.
I'm having a bad week.
I'm sad.
I'll be fine, I just needed to get it out.
Do you ever just need to cry or scream or run or crawl up onto your Grandpa's lap and pretend all the worlds problems have disappeared? Seriously Grandpa, I need your lap.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
New Beginnings
This was a week of new beginnings. Grant and I had our first joint yoga class. I had my first step aerobics class. We went to the Farmers Market for the first time this summer. We started going to the summer reading program at the library again this year, but this time Jake is also involved. I think summer is officially here.
I'm sitting here writing this and fireflies are flashing in the window on the deck. The back yard looks like it is raining fireflies! Grant would be so made that he couldn't be out there catching them if he was awake.
I'm not sure which of the 10,000 things going on right now I should be writing about.
I'll make a list and write tomorrow:
1) Grant's crazy yoga skills
2) Grant showing Jake yoga
3) Playing mini golf with the boys
4) The Snake Man at the library
5) Grant's shyness and submissiveness when playing with friends
6) Grant and Jake arguing and Grant yelling "ONE!" as if he was warning Jake the same way I do!
7) Jake called Grant Stupid and Grant told Jake "I don't think anyone who doesn't know their ABC's or their colors should be going around calling people stupid!"
8) Mom called dibs on Toy Story with the boys
9) Spending the 4th of July back at Grandma's and Mom's
10) Strawberry Strut in Carthage
11) Death by step class
12) need to buy a bike and a bike trailer for the boys
13) Coast-coast biathalon
I'm sitting here writing this and fireflies are flashing in the window on the deck. The back yard looks like it is raining fireflies! Grant would be so made that he couldn't be out there catching them if he was awake.
I'm not sure which of the 10,000 things going on right now I should be writing about.
I'll make a list and write tomorrow:
1) Grant's crazy yoga skills
2) Grant showing Jake yoga
3) Playing mini golf with the boys
4) The Snake Man at the library
5) Grant's shyness and submissiveness when playing with friends
6) Grant and Jake arguing and Grant yelling "ONE!" as if he was warning Jake the same way I do!
7) Jake called Grant Stupid and Grant told Jake "I don't think anyone who doesn't know their ABC's or their colors should be going around calling people stupid!"
8) Mom called dibs on Toy Story with the boys
9) Spending the 4th of July back at Grandma's and Mom's
10) Strawberry Strut in Carthage
11) Death by step class
12) need to buy a bike and a bike trailer for the boys
13) Coast-coast biathalon
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Yoga, Step, Lift and Run...Now I Can't Even Move My Thumb
I'm trying desperately to get back into half-marathon shape. It's amazing how in two years I've aged so much that running two miles doesn't come back as quickly after an absence as it did before. I feel like someone hid lead weight in my underwear! Wait, I think that might be my butt-thigh... Well, I have some sort of major exercise event everyday of the week, except for Sunday, but I would like to make Sunday's my distance day's for biking. Monday's and Wednesday's are Yoga with Grant and Death Step class (it's actually called step variety i think, but it should be renamed). Tuesday's and Thursday's are five miles running and wt. training class. Friday's are three miles running with sprints and or hill work. YUCK! Ted and I just signed up for a coast-to-coast biathlon at the YMCA where we have 8 weeks to run 100 miles and bike 200 miles. I figure that will keep me moving daily. I told myself that I am not allowed to spend anymore than two hours exercising everyday (separated- one in the morning hours and one in the afternoon/evening hours). I must admit my schedule works well with great weather. The boys love running around the WIU track and playing on the football field. The boys (Ted, Grant and Jake) sat in the bleachers the other day and gave me my very own cheering section in an empty field. They even did the wave while I was running!
I feel like I am in a time crunch because I will be working outside of the home in the blink of an eye and all of this or not free, happy and sad, lonely and fulfilled, laughter and anger, overwhelmed and understimulated, whatever it may be...will be over. Another chapter finished and onto the next. I find myself scrambling to do all of the things I thought I should have done as a stay-at-home Mom, wife, unemployed individual...etc. I want to feel like I sent Grant off to Kindergarten totally prepared, not just normally prepared but exceptionally prepared. As I watched him read his first book the other day, I felt a calm come over me. Grant will do great in school. He is a great kid. I just hope he learns to stick up for himself with words and to not feel as if he is being rude in doing so. I want to make sure Jake is potty trained, learns his colors, ABC's, shapes, songs, and all of the things that I was able to teach Grant. I am rushing to get into the best shape ever so that when I do get a job all I will need to do is maintain that level. I am trying to get the house projections and designs done. I have most everything organized and ready to be moved.
Things are crazy, but they aren't overwhelming; Ted saves me from overwhelming; Amber saves me from overwhelming; Mom saves me from overwhelming....Things are fun right now. The boys are adventurous and wild, but fun. I do feel blessed. I really love my boys...Ted, Grant and Jake....I'm not sure I would ever want to get out of bed in the morning if it wasn't for our daily circus! I love you Boys!
I feel like I am in a time crunch because I will be working outside of the home in the blink of an eye and all of this or not free, happy and sad, lonely and fulfilled, laughter and anger, overwhelmed and understimulated, whatever it may be...will be over. Another chapter finished and onto the next. I find myself scrambling to do all of the things I thought I should have done as a stay-at-home Mom, wife, unemployed individual...etc. I want to feel like I sent Grant off to Kindergarten totally prepared, not just normally prepared but exceptionally prepared. As I watched him read his first book the other day, I felt a calm come over me. Grant will do great in school. He is a great kid. I just hope he learns to stick up for himself with words and to not feel as if he is being rude in doing so. I want to make sure Jake is potty trained, learns his colors, ABC's, shapes, songs, and all of the things that I was able to teach Grant. I am rushing to get into the best shape ever so that when I do get a job all I will need to do is maintain that level. I am trying to get the house projections and designs done. I have most everything organized and ready to be moved.
Things are crazy, but they aren't overwhelming; Ted saves me from overwhelming; Amber saves me from overwhelming; Mom saves me from overwhelming....Things are fun right now. The boys are adventurous and wild, but fun. I do feel blessed. I really love my boys...Ted, Grant and Jake....I'm not sure I would ever want to get out of bed in the morning if it wasn't for our daily circus! I love you Boys!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
I thought of some more before I talk about anything else
1) Smart Water made by Glaceau -I thought it would taste bad because of the added electrolytes. Even though they shouldn't have a flavor.... Anyway, I tried it after the race the other day due to feeling like death and I am a believer. Tastes like water without a bad aftertaste! You say, Why not just regular water? I say yes, do drink regular water, but if you have just spent a long time outside, or doing strenuous activity and you feel nasty but can't quite feel right after drinking regular water and eating a banana then definitely try Smart Water. I felt nasty this afternoon again and I drank some and I began to feel better.
2) Outside Birthday Parties
3) Friends you can laugh at and with and know you won't be offended and nor will they.
4) People who make you feel comfortable and talk to you about your life and not just theirs.
5) Family- The boys enjoyed spending time with their aunt and uncle this weekend, I feel bad I don't make more of an attempt to take the boys to see their aunts and uncles more.
6) Running, running, running
7) People who want to get to know you
8) People who don't know you and are nicer than people who do know you
9) Church Family
10) Lessons I teach my children- a reminder of what I stand for and what is important to me and how I want my sons to develop. I learn a lot about myself simply through my reactions to watching my children grow up:
Example: Teaching self-esteem and the proper way to stand up for yourself, teaching how you act on the outside is a window to your soul, so watch what you say or do or how you act when you are around other people, they will remember you that way... I never said that I am successful at what I teach my children, I often try and teach them how to avoid the mistakes I have made so that they won't have to suffer through some of the things I have had to deal with as far as social interactions and communication. I often tell Grant when I make mistakes....I think it is important to admit when we make mistakes. I digress.
11) Endurance
12) Tank tops, running shorts, sports bras, ankle socks, pony tail holders, elastic headbands, sunglasses and underwear that don't give you wedgies
2) Outside Birthday Parties
3) Friends you can laugh at and with and know you won't be offended and nor will they.
4) People who make you feel comfortable and talk to you about your life and not just theirs.
5) Family- The boys enjoyed spending time with their aunt and uncle this weekend, I feel bad I don't make more of an attempt to take the boys to see their aunts and uncles more.
6) Running, running, running
7) People who want to get to know you
8) People who don't know you and are nicer than people who do know you
9) Church Family
10) Lessons I teach my children- a reminder of what I stand for and what is important to me and how I want my sons to develop. I learn a lot about myself simply through my reactions to watching my children grow up:
Example: Teaching self-esteem and the proper way to stand up for yourself, teaching how you act on the outside is a window to your soul, so watch what you say or do or how you act when you are around other people, they will remember you that way... I never said that I am successful at what I teach my children, I often try and teach them how to avoid the mistakes I have made so that they won't have to suffer through some of the things I have had to deal with as far as social interactions and communication. I often tell Grant when I make mistakes....I think it is important to admit when we make mistakes. I digress.
11) Endurance
12) Tank tops, running shorts, sports bras, ankle socks, pony tail holders, elastic headbands, sunglasses and underwear that don't give you wedgies
Friday, June 4, 2010
Thursday, June 3, 2010
He Did It!
This late afternoon I took Grant down to the WIU track and we just started running together. I said:
"Don't run fast, just move your feet enough to say you are actually running."
"When you feel like you want to stop say these words out loud: You are wrong brain- I CAN do it!"
"If your breathing gets really hard take air into your nose and out through your mouth really slowly but really deeply."
I've never actually witnessed him listening to everything I said and actually doing it! Funny thing was that I said those things right before we started running. Once our feet started moving we started a game. We played 10 questions, 20 is too long when you are trying to distract a five year old, or 30 year old, whatever! He started...I asked:
Jo: Is it an animal?
Grant: Yes
Jo: Is it a mammal?
Grant: No
Jo: Is it a land animal?
Grant: Sometimes
Jo: Hey, it has to be yes or no
Grant: Well, ask a yes or no question
Jo: I did
Grant: I can't answer it with a yes or a no
Jo: OK is it a Frog?
Grant: Hey, no fair
Jo: yes it is. yes or no?
Grant: yes
Jo: My turn
(lap 1)
Grant: Is it nocturnal?
Jo: What?
Grant: Does it only come out at night? Like Daddy (laughing out of breath)!
Jo: I know what it means but why wouldn't you start with: is it an animal?
Grant: I don't know.
Jo: No
Grant: Is it a thing?
Jo: Well, it isn't an idea...
Grant: Mom! Yes or No!
Jo: Yes
(lap 2)
Grant: Ok is it an animal?
Jo: ummm, technically for the sake of 10 questions yes
Grant: You don't play this right
Jo: I'm just saying that some things can't be answered with yes or no.
Grant: I know you are just going to say Dragonfly
Jo: Hey no fair!
Grant: Yes or no? Laughing.
Jo: No!
Grant: Liar!
Jo: Yes!
(Lap 3)
Grant: My turn
Grant: You won't get this one
Jo: is it an animal?
Grant: No its in the human body!
Jo: sound of loud laughing mixed with tough breathing: Did you mean to say....
Grant: NO! I forgot what we were doing for a minute!
Jo: Is it blood?
Grant: no?
Jo: is it lungs
Grant: no
Jo: is it the tricuspid or mitral valve?
Grant: Kindof
Jo: is it the heart?
Grant: Yes!
(Lap 4)
Grant: Hey Mom are we done with our three laps for today?
We jumped up and down and hugged and of course as we held hands on our way back to the car he squeezed my hand three times...our secret way we tell eachother "I love you."
Wow, I see into my future and all the days that are like these and it looks fun.
Oh, wondering why I didn't mention Jake? I left him at home with his Dad because Ted told me to. I felt guilty doing it, because Jake is well, high maintenance. Ted worked 11pm-7am last night then someone couldn't make their shift this morning so he was lucky enough to work straight thru until 3pm this afternoon. After I got back with Grant and Tropical Snow Ted went to bed. We will see him tomorrow I hope.
At one point this evening Jake got a time out. It started like all the others: (a rude comment, hitting, kicking, throwing something at someone...just plain being mean). I atually started my stopwatch instead of a timer this time. When Jake finished his screaming, flopping, running out of time out, only to be put back again and again, his begging, his trying to break the walls, when he finally finished it had been 65 minutes. It would have gone on longer but I think he heard Grant and I playing the piano together. Grant actually asked if Jake had been in more than in time out during this time or if it was all one. I told him that it was all one and he couldn't believe it. He asked if that was the longest timeout I had ever given and I said no way. I had given him (Grant) many lasting well past that. I had witnesses. (God blessed me with two very strongwilled children and extenuating circumstances that often negated my hard work.) Unfortunanelty, the moment I had been waiting for all day was ruined due to Jake's Time out. I wanted to take the boys to the nursery at the YMCA so I could practice my 3 mile run and lift like I usually do on Thursday nights. Plus I really needed it after being with the boys for so long alone. But, I faced it and decided I had another plan. I was mean mommy to Jake and put him to bed at 7pm. put Grant to bed at 7:45pm and then I went outside and ran laps around the property. It is very rolling with hills and trees and it reminded me of our high school cross country training course at the Golden Hills Country Club Golf Course. I ran until I couldn't run anymore and then I felt oK with today's workout.
"Don't run fast, just move your feet enough to say you are actually running."
"When you feel like you want to stop say these words out loud: You are wrong brain- I CAN do it!"
"If your breathing gets really hard take air into your nose and out through your mouth really slowly but really deeply."
I've never actually witnessed him listening to everything I said and actually doing it! Funny thing was that I said those things right before we started running. Once our feet started moving we started a game. We played 10 questions, 20 is too long when you are trying to distract a five year old, or 30 year old, whatever! He started...I asked:
Jo: Is it an animal?
Grant: Yes
Jo: Is it a mammal?
Grant: No
Jo: Is it a land animal?
Grant: Sometimes
Jo: Hey, it has to be yes or no
Grant: Well, ask a yes or no question
Jo: I did
Grant: I can't answer it with a yes or a no
Jo: OK is it a Frog?
Grant: Hey, no fair
Jo: yes it is. yes or no?
Grant: yes
Jo: My turn
(lap 1)
Grant: Is it nocturnal?
Jo: What?
Grant: Does it only come out at night? Like Daddy (laughing out of breath)!
Jo: I know what it means but why wouldn't you start with: is it an animal?
Grant: I don't know.
Jo: No
Grant: Is it a thing?
Jo: Well, it isn't an idea...
Grant: Mom! Yes or No!
Jo: Yes
(lap 2)
Grant: Ok is it an animal?
Jo: ummm, technically for the sake of 10 questions yes
Grant: You don't play this right
Jo: I'm just saying that some things can't be answered with yes or no.
Grant: I know you are just going to say Dragonfly
Jo: Hey no fair!
Grant: Yes or no? Laughing.
Jo: No!
Grant: Liar!
Jo: Yes!
(Lap 3)
Grant: My turn
Grant: You won't get this one
Jo: is it an animal?
Grant: No its in the human body!
Jo: sound of loud laughing mixed with tough breathing: Did you mean to say....
Grant: NO! I forgot what we were doing for a minute!
Jo: Is it blood?
Grant: no?
Jo: is it lungs
Grant: no
Jo: is it the tricuspid or mitral valve?
Grant: Kindof
Jo: is it the heart?
Grant: Yes!
(Lap 4)
Grant: Hey Mom are we done with our three laps for today?
We jumped up and down and hugged and of course as we held hands on our way back to the car he squeezed my hand three times...our secret way we tell eachother "I love you."
Wow, I see into my future and all the days that are like these and it looks fun.
Oh, wondering why I didn't mention Jake? I left him at home with his Dad because Ted told me to. I felt guilty doing it, because Jake is well, high maintenance. Ted worked 11pm-7am last night then someone couldn't make their shift this morning so he was lucky enough to work straight thru until 3pm this afternoon. After I got back with Grant and Tropical Snow Ted went to bed. We will see him tomorrow I hope.
At one point this evening Jake got a time out. It started like all the others: (a rude comment, hitting, kicking, throwing something at someone...just plain being mean). I atually started my stopwatch instead of a timer this time. When Jake finished his screaming, flopping, running out of time out, only to be put back again and again, his begging, his trying to break the walls, when he finally finished it had been 65 minutes. It would have gone on longer but I think he heard Grant and I playing the piano together. Grant actually asked if Jake had been in more than in time out during this time or if it was all one. I told him that it was all one and he couldn't believe it. He asked if that was the longest timeout I had ever given and I said no way. I had given him (Grant) many lasting well past that. I had witnesses. (God blessed me with two very strongwilled children and extenuating circumstances that often negated my hard work.) Unfortunanelty, the moment I had been waiting for all day was ruined due to Jake's Time out. I wanted to take the boys to the nursery at the YMCA so I could practice my 3 mile run and lift like I usually do on Thursday nights. Plus I really needed it after being with the boys for so long alone. But, I faced it and decided I had another plan. I was mean mommy to Jake and put him to bed at 7pm. put Grant to bed at 7:45pm and then I went outside and ran laps around the property. It is very rolling with hills and trees and it reminded me of our high school cross country training course at the Golden Hills Country Club Golf Course. I ran until I couldn't run anymore and then I felt oK with today's workout.
Had a thought when I was running
I had a revelation when I was running today and I thought I would share:
it went like this:
Rubarb Run here I come. I should just start taking my own trash cans and setting them at the end of the races with my name on them that way they will be ready for me when I get there :-)
it went like this:
Rubarb Run here I come. I should just start taking my own trash cans and setting them at the end of the races with my name on them that way they will be ready for me when I get there :-)
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
My Mother Kathy sent this to me to share with you!
I loved the list you shared with me (and others). It was so upbeat and inspired me to make my own list. Feel free to share my list. Love, Mom.
1) Family....what can I say. They make life interesting, they give it meaning, they make you face your weaknesses and fears as well as your strengths. Each one has their special place in your heart and I have a unique relationship with each one. Grandkids are awesome!!!!
2) Exercise. Walk, bike, gardening/yard work, Y's all good. A great stress reliever. It makes me feel healthier and stronger. BONUS: My Y instructor Beth F. - she makes it fun, pushes my limits...she is Great!
3) Innkeepers Coffee, N. Seminary St. Galesburg, IL.- My escape. I don't drink coffee, although their fresh roasted coffee flavors smell great (they roast it there). I love their fresh brewed iced tea- flavored or green. I've never found any like this...and their fresh salads - wonderful. Whether it's sandwiches, baked goods, chocolates, soups, or salads, it's all tasty. Quality, friendly service and great atmosphere....I miss this place on my days off. I'm so lucky to work so close. Please remember to avoid this place b/w 11:30 and 1:00 on weekdays, so that I don't have to wait in a long line for lunch. I walk in the door, talk a deep breath and let my stresses go.
4) Downy Wrinkle Release spray- I'm not a fan of ironing, but I hate wrinkles. Whether it's my work blouses, pants, or even T-shirts, this stuff is great. We now keep a bottle at the office.
5) Shout wipes or Tide to Go- Even if you're not sloppy like some of us - everyone has an accident occasionally. These allow you to clean it on the go. Also, I've found them good on carpet spots.. Keep in your desk, purse, car, bathroom closet (it's good on makeup spots).
6) Lawn chairs- nothing like chilling in the yard. I'm known for not being able to sit still, but I love to chill in the evening on my patio (OK, so I don't have patio, but I pretend I have my patio in my back yard).
7) A loyal loving dog- Aspen. What a great dog. He's awesome - gentle, protective, and loving.
8) The Farm. Growing crops - all stages, the farming community, managing your own business with your own sweat and tears, tractors, combines, technology, planning, numbers (see 11 below), the scenery (see 9 below), the environment, feeling so close to God, living in the country, neighbors being someone that lives within a few miles of you, walking the block means 3 miles, growing your own food in the garden or on fruit trees and bushes, pick up trucks...the list would never end.
9) Most Weather- the changes of the seasons, so you when you get tired of the weather you are having, you know a change is around the corner. Each season adds a fresh new beauty to the stages of life. Rain, snow, sunshine, breezes, fall leaves and crisp air. The sky changes that occur with the weather changes including the colorful sunrises and sunsets....or starry nights and colored moons.
10) Trees - for shade, breezes, leaves in the fall, climbing, wind protection, and for beauty.
11) Numbers - I love numbers. I can't help myself from calculating even when I'm driving, exercising, or going to sleep. Yeah, I think it is fun.
12) Pepsi and fresh brewed iced tea (or hot in the winter) - caffeine with sugar or caffeine without sugar or there is always the caffeine free option. They are my go-to "comfort" food.
13) Cell phones - I remember our first bag phone. We still have it. Now I take my cell everywhere. It makes me feel safe. My family can reach me if they need to and I can get help if I need it.
14) Dr Radio XM radio station 119. Now I enjoy my long drive to work or any other place. It's like a continual learning program. Solid, useful information from a good resource. I love learning and I can honestly learn something useful everyday.
15) Music - whether it's a school band, church choir, orchestra, or professional artist, I appreciate it. For me, it's about the rhythm, sound, words, or emotions. It lifts me up, revs me up, evokes emotion, makes me want to dance, tap my foot or sway. Sometimes it makes me want to sing (wish I could).
16) Reading - taking someone else's words and combining their representation/message with my own imagination. It lifts me up, inspires me, evokes emotion, or makes me want to tell others. Sometimes it makes me want to write (like this list).
17)Laughing - it's great exercise and quite healthy (even if it makes you pee your pants). I love a good laugh - not when someone is demeaning someone else. It's great if you can laugh at yourself. I love laughing with my Mom - we can laugh until we cry or cry until we laugh. We would laugh at Gilda Radner on SNL in the early 80's. We still laugh at some of the same funny things we did years ago. My son thought he was born to entertain, starting when he was only months old. He made me laugh during some of the hardest times of my life. My daughter always wanted to be as funny as she thought her brother was- she was funny when she let it come naturally. Most of all she knew the joy of laughing with others not at others. She an knows how to laugh out loud and from the soul. My husband seldom has much to say, but when you least expect it he is surprisingly hilarious. Take time to laugh today..out loud...from your soul.
1) Family....what can I say. They make life interesting, they give it meaning, they make you face your weaknesses and fears as well as your strengths. Each one has their special place in your heart and I have a unique relationship with each one. Grandkids are awesome!!!!
2) Exercise. Walk, bike, gardening/yard work, Y's all good. A great stress reliever. It makes me feel healthier and stronger. BONUS: My Y instructor Beth F. - she makes it fun, pushes my limits...she is Great!
3) Innkeepers Coffee, N. Seminary St. Galesburg, IL.- My escape. I don't drink coffee, although their fresh roasted coffee flavors smell great (they roast it there). I love their fresh brewed iced tea- flavored or green. I've never found any like this...and their fresh salads - wonderful. Whether it's sandwiches, baked goods, chocolates, soups, or salads, it's all tasty. Quality, friendly service and great atmosphere....I miss this place on my days off. I'm so lucky to work so close. Please remember to avoid this place b/w 11:30 and 1:00 on weekdays, so that I don't have to wait in a long line for lunch. I walk in the door, talk a deep breath and let my stresses go.
4) Downy Wrinkle Release spray- I'm not a fan of ironing, but I hate wrinkles. Whether it's my work blouses, pants, or even T-shirts, this stuff is great. We now keep a bottle at the office.
5) Shout wipes or Tide to Go- Even if you're not sloppy like some of us - everyone has an accident occasionally. These allow you to clean it on the go. Also, I've found them good on carpet spots.. Keep in your desk, purse, car, bathroom closet (it's good on makeup spots).
6) Lawn chairs- nothing like chilling in the yard. I'm known for not being able to sit still, but I love to chill in the evening on my patio (OK, so I don't have patio, but I pretend I have my patio in my back yard).
7) A loyal loving dog- Aspen. What a great dog. He's awesome - gentle, protective, and loving.
8) The Farm. Growing crops - all stages, the farming community, managing your own business with your own sweat and tears, tractors, combines, technology, planning, numbers (see 11 below), the scenery (see 9 below), the environment, feeling so close to God, living in the country, neighbors being someone that lives within a few miles of you, walking the block means 3 miles, growing your own food in the garden or on fruit trees and bushes, pick up trucks...the list would never end.
9) Most Weather- the changes of the seasons, so you when you get tired of the weather you are having, you know a change is around the corner. Each season adds a fresh new beauty to the stages of life. Rain, snow, sunshine, breezes, fall leaves and crisp air. The sky changes that occur with the weather changes including the colorful sunrises and sunsets....or starry nights and colored moons.
10) Trees - for shade, breezes, leaves in the fall, climbing, wind protection, and for beauty.
11) Numbers - I love numbers. I can't help myself from calculating even when I'm driving, exercising, or going to sleep. Yeah, I think it is fun.
12) Pepsi and fresh brewed iced tea (or hot in the winter) - caffeine with sugar or caffeine without sugar or there is always the caffeine free option. They are my go-to "comfort" food.
13) Cell phones - I remember our first bag phone. We still have it. Now I take my cell everywhere. It makes me feel safe. My family can reach me if they need to and I can get help if I need it.
14) Dr Radio XM radio station 119. Now I enjoy my long drive to work or any other place. It's like a continual learning program. Solid, useful information from a good resource. I love learning and I can honestly learn something useful everyday.
15) Music - whether it's a school band, church choir, orchestra, or professional artist, I appreciate it. For me, it's about the rhythm, sound, words, or emotions. It lifts me up, revs me up, evokes emotion, makes me want to dance, tap my foot or sway. Sometimes it makes me want to sing (wish I could).
16) Reading - taking someone else's words and combining their representation/message with my own imagination. It lifts me up, inspires me, evokes emotion, or makes me want to tell others. Sometimes it makes me want to write (like this list).
17)Laughing - it's great exercise and quite healthy (even if it makes you pee your pants). I love a good laugh - not when someone is demeaning someone else. It's great if you can laugh at yourself. I love laughing with my Mom - we can laugh until we cry or cry until we laugh. We would laugh at Gilda Radner on SNL in the early 80's. We still laugh at some of the same funny things we did years ago. My son thought he was born to entertain, starting when he was only months old. He made me laugh during some of the hardest times of my life. My daughter always wanted to be as funny as she thought her brother was- she was funny when she let it come naturally. Most of all she knew the joy of laughing with others not at others. She an knows how to laugh out loud and from the soul. My husband seldom has much to say, but when you least expect it he is surprisingly hilarious. Take time to laugh today..out loud...from your soul.
Stay Tuned
written 6/2/2010
OK for those of you who are genuially bored with this as I am, that's ok, I have a new idea, so stay tuned.
I need to run my three mile today, Grant needs to run his 1/2 mile on the track, the boys need their hair cut, I need to turn in my applications officially and bite the possible bullet of rejection. I can do this.
But please stay tuned there won't be more stuff I love and stuff you probably have no interest in. It will be something else...don't give up quite yet! :-)
OK for those of you who are genuially bored with this as I am, that's ok, I have a new idea, so stay tuned.
I need to run my three mile today, Grant needs to run his 1/2 mile on the track, the boys need their hair cut, I need to turn in my applications officially and bite the possible bullet of rejection. I can do this.
But please stay tuned there won't be more stuff I love and stuff you probably have no interest in. It will be something else...don't give up quite yet! :-)
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
I am blessed today
Written 6/1/2010
1) Time when just Ted and the boys and I are all together and all awake...this almost never happens. But,when it does, I treasure it so much. We are good at pretending that the rest of the world doesn't want anything from us, isn't mad at us, or rejecting us for some reason. This little family has the potential to grow into a tight, supportive, loving, encouraging, emotional, silly, crazy, wild, hysterical and forever young family. If only we can remember that these are our children...I'm pretty sure I remember the pregnancies, labors and deliveries of both boys quite well enough not to let anyone else take over my role. BOOOOYAHH!
2) Ted working Day shifts!
3) Grant's great behavior
4) Jake showing signs that he can tell emotion on TV or on others. "Why are you sad? They are sad Mommy! They are mad Mommy. That was uncept-table-able Mommy!"
5) Grant ran a fast 1/4 mile around the University track today. I told him to take his time, but he has been raised by me so he wanted to break records or something. He is also his father because his feet move so fast and his upper body could be having a tea party it stays so still. Tomorrow he will be running 2 laps which will be his 1/2 mile. I will have just done my running/practicing for Saturday's race so I hope he doesn't want me to run with him. He is too fast for me. I would do it if he really wanted me too though.
6) I appreciate the nervousness and excitement of turning in both an application to a place I wish to be employed and trying to get into graduate school with an assistantship so darn late. I still have plans up my sleeve's. I'm the kind of nervous that tells you that no matter how it works out it will be exactly what it is meant to be.
7) I'm happy I got to run today three miles without having to stop. Apparently that is hard to do with my body these days!???
8) Air conditioning in the basement
9) Getting Grant quality shoes to run in other than those clunky character shoes from Wal-mart. Those are fine if you don't plan on bending your foot at all in any natural way. I spent too much money, but I make up for it by not letting him have everything he wants, he has to do extra chores for extra shoes but I make them fun ones. I have a thing about having quality shoes. Not necessarily name brand, but quality. We got him the asics gels like we have. So Ted, Grant, Mom and I all have the same brand and style of shoes, it wasn't planned it just showed the quality of that shoe. I guess I should add the shoe to the like list now huh? No Problem: Gladly!
9.5) I have two pair of Gel-Asics: One pair for outside running and one for the YMCA. The only reason I could do this is because Mom gave me a pair for Christmas and I got the other pair on sale at ShopKo. One of my Pair is red and white Gel-Kanbarra 4's and the other one's are the same as Mom's and unfortunately they are mostly pink. They are Gel-Kasanos. Grant has red and black GT-ONYX's, and Ted had a now unidentifiable pair, which means I mean need to buy him new ones too.
10) OK now time for more product plugs. After my shower today I thought of so many things I have tried in the past and how I have found the perfect products for me. They may not work for you. I'm not telling anyone they are non-toxic, b/c everything we touch is potentially toxic.
11) Crest 3D Advanced Vivid- I'm 30, I've tried all toothpastes at some point or another and this is my favorite!
12) I mentioned the Jergens natural glow moisturizer before but I forgot to say that I use it along with the healthy complexion daily moisturizer for your face UVA/UVB SPF 20 MEDIUM TAN at night after my shower and along with the other jergens body lotion.
*Some people may be able to go to the darkest lotions they have for both face and body due to your skin tone. I wouldn't be afraid to try it.
13)Garnier Nutritioniste Skin Renew antisun damage daily moisture lotion SPF 28: I use it in the morning even if I'm not planning on puting on make-up
14)Garnier Fructis Anti-frizz serum: sleek and shine: if you have frizzy hair like I do. I put it on after I blow dry it. It looks like you are putting oil on your hair, so don't use that much (I found out the hard way: can you say homeless hair meets the first three months after you have a baby hair?). Since I never really do my hair, it is a nice treat to see how nice my hair can look when I really try.
15) I only use three pieces of make-up: Physicians Formula Concealer Twins: It is seems crazy but one side is green conclealer and one side is your skin tone. Apparently, the green is what make-up artists use to cover up red from blemishes or red patches on your skin. Then the the other goes on top of the green and you can't even see what you were covering up! I just found this because I could never find the one I used to wear. Thank God for Wal-marts crappy re-stocking job!
Then I use Trublend minerals by Covergirl loose mineral powder all over my face and neck. It rocks. I finish with Covergirl cheekers blush. Sometimes I use eyeliner, but I never wear mascara. Everything I buy is something I learned from my Mom when I was well into my 20's and when she was learning it. I never knew anything about being a girl until I was much too old..... I still need to wax my eyebrows more than I do, but it is hard to change old habits. I won't ever care about my fingernails or toenails and if you ever see them painted it is to cover up a nasty crushed nail or because I'm trying to look Peeerrrrttteee for Ted. Well, and I guess to make myself stop biting them!
1) Time when just Ted and the boys and I are all together and all awake...this almost never happens. But,when it does, I treasure it so much. We are good at pretending that the rest of the world doesn't want anything from us, isn't mad at us, or rejecting us for some reason. This little family has the potential to grow into a tight, supportive, loving, encouraging, emotional, silly, crazy, wild, hysterical and forever young family. If only we can remember that these are our children...I'm pretty sure I remember the pregnancies, labors and deliveries of both boys quite well enough not to let anyone else take over my role. BOOOOYAHH!
2) Ted working Day shifts!
3) Grant's great behavior
4) Jake showing signs that he can tell emotion on TV or on others. "Why are you sad? They are sad Mommy! They are mad Mommy. That was uncept-table-able Mommy!"
5) Grant ran a fast 1/4 mile around the University track today. I told him to take his time, but he has been raised by me so he wanted to break records or something. He is also his father because his feet move so fast and his upper body could be having a tea party it stays so still. Tomorrow he will be running 2 laps which will be his 1/2 mile. I will have just done my running/practicing for Saturday's race so I hope he doesn't want me to run with him. He is too fast for me. I would do it if he really wanted me too though.
6) I appreciate the nervousness and excitement of turning in both an application to a place I wish to be employed and trying to get into graduate school with an assistantship so darn late. I still have plans up my sleeve's. I'm the kind of nervous that tells you that no matter how it works out it will be exactly what it is meant to be.
7) I'm happy I got to run today three miles without having to stop. Apparently that is hard to do with my body these days!???
8) Air conditioning in the basement
9) Getting Grant quality shoes to run in other than those clunky character shoes from Wal-mart. Those are fine if you don't plan on bending your foot at all in any natural way. I spent too much money, but I make up for it by not letting him have everything he wants, he has to do extra chores for extra shoes but I make them fun ones. I have a thing about having quality shoes. Not necessarily name brand, but quality. We got him the asics gels like we have. So Ted, Grant, Mom and I all have the same brand and style of shoes, it wasn't planned it just showed the quality of that shoe. I guess I should add the shoe to the like list now huh? No Problem: Gladly!
9.5) I have two pair of Gel-Asics: One pair for outside running and one for the YMCA. The only reason I could do this is because Mom gave me a pair for Christmas and I got the other pair on sale at ShopKo. One of my Pair is red and white Gel-Kanbarra 4's and the other one's are the same as Mom's and unfortunately they are mostly pink. They are Gel-Kasanos. Grant has red and black GT-ONYX's, and Ted had a now unidentifiable pair, which means I mean need to buy him new ones too.
10) OK now time for more product plugs. After my shower today I thought of so many things I have tried in the past and how I have found the perfect products for me. They may not work for you. I'm not telling anyone they are non-toxic, b/c everything we touch is potentially toxic.
11) Crest 3D Advanced Vivid- I'm 30, I've tried all toothpastes at some point or another and this is my favorite!
12) I mentioned the Jergens natural glow moisturizer before but I forgot to say that I use it along with the healthy complexion daily moisturizer for your face UVA/UVB SPF 20 MEDIUM TAN at night after my shower and along with the other jergens body lotion.
*Some people may be able to go to the darkest lotions they have for both face and body due to your skin tone. I wouldn't be afraid to try it.
13)Garnier Nutritioniste Skin Renew antisun damage daily moisture lotion SPF 28: I use it in the morning even if I'm not planning on puting on make-up
14)Garnier Fructis Anti-frizz serum: sleek and shine: if you have frizzy hair like I do. I put it on after I blow dry it. It looks like you are putting oil on your hair, so don't use that much (I found out the hard way: can you say homeless hair meets the first three months after you have a baby hair?). Since I never really do my hair, it is a nice treat to see how nice my hair can look when I really try.
15) I only use three pieces of make-up: Physicians Formula Concealer Twins: It is seems crazy but one side is green conclealer and one side is your skin tone. Apparently, the green is what make-up artists use to cover up red from blemishes or red patches on your skin. Then the the other goes on top of the green and you can't even see what you were covering up! I just found this because I could never find the one I used to wear. Thank God for Wal-marts crappy re-stocking job!
Then I use Trublend minerals by Covergirl loose mineral powder all over my face and neck. It rocks. I finish with Covergirl cheekers blush. Sometimes I use eyeliner, but I never wear mascara. Everything I buy is something I learned from my Mom when I was well into my 20's and when she was learning it. I never knew anything about being a girl until I was much too old..... I still need to wax my eyebrows more than I do, but it is hard to change old habits. I won't ever care about my fingernails or toenails and if you ever see them painted it is to cover up a nasty crushed nail or because I'm trying to look Peeerrrrttteee for Ted. Well, and I guess to make myself stop biting them!
Comedy Central Anderson Home
8am and here we go with the Jake and Grant comedy sports entertainment. It started when Jake screamed "Mommy, Mommy Grant is dead" as Grant layed sleeping and snoring loudly next to me on the bed. Jake was sleeping slightly in between us or on top of us, it varies due to his spastic spinning in the night. Grant has started for the first time in his entire life to sleep in and Jake is responding the way Ted did when he got home form work to find us all still asleep or when I woke up before Grant to silence in our house. Something must most certainly be wrong, we thought. In the beginning we were sure Grant was getting sick for the first week, then we thought he was having a growth spurt, then it occurred to me that he plays hard everyday outside and is dealing with sir-kicks-all-night. Jake still flips out every morning. It's getting old, but it is still kindof funny. Never the possibility that something is wrong with Grant, but Jake's serious freak-out is quite entertaining.
Shortly thereafter came the I pooped, I need to poop, I smell poop, Jada needs to poop, now I want to eat. Yep, directly in that order.
Then I heard a scream "SUCUS!" (Lucas- as said by Jake), followed by "FAITH!" IBELLABELLA!" My first irrational thought is "oh crap, the house is a disaster and it smells like poop! please God just give me one more hour before someone shows up!" Then it hit me. I stole my Mom's digital picture frame that we gave her for Christmas and last night I downloaded all of the pictures off of my computer onto the frame. (Let me first clarify that not only had she never opened the box but it had not moved from the exact location it had been place in December. I had it sitting on the end table and Jake was standing in front of it in awe! I had no idea how time consuming this could be for the two boys. Now I am typing. I could be cleaning. But why clean when I could write. Hallllaaaa!
Ted works day shift today for some firearms training. But I'm happy he will work a normal schedule for once. 7am-3pm holy mackerel this is like a vacation day to me....seriously. I wish this was his shift all of the time.
Now I have to to practice for Saturday's race. Amber and I ran 4 miles yesterday. I need to practice. Grant is running the 1 miler with Sidney (Amber's daughter- Grant's friend) and after I run I'm taking them down to the WIU track for grant to run one lap around the track (1/4 mile). He is excited. I told them I would let them get a tropical snow when Daddy got home this afternoon...yes, all the food dyes included! We are going to go back to the library to check out a ton more books because in a week they put a limit on how many books you can check out at a time due to the summer reading program. Hence why we go three times a week, we read four books in like five minutes...that stinks. Last time they both got to check out 10 books! I have 12 checked out for building a farm and homestead right now! OK. Peace out.
Don't forget to ace wrap or better to duct tape the ice pack to your foot when chasing small children, but not directly onto the skin. 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off. Take Aleve (1 capsule) for pain or (Motrin 800mg)for inflammation, but for it to really work well for inflammation you have to do it until the injury is more mobile and less stiff or swollen. I'm only saying this because I know you aren't going to the doctor...but you really should if it starts to hurt worse. I will be amputating by Friday and putting on a prosthetic if it isn't better by then.
Shortly thereafter came the I pooped, I need to poop, I smell poop, Jada needs to poop, now I want to eat. Yep, directly in that order.
Then I heard a scream "SUCUS!" (Lucas- as said by Jake), followed by "FAITH!" IBELLABELLA!" My first irrational thought is "oh crap, the house is a disaster and it smells like poop! please God just give me one more hour before someone shows up!" Then it hit me. I stole my Mom's digital picture frame that we gave her for Christmas and last night I downloaded all of the pictures off of my computer onto the frame. (Let me first clarify that not only had she never opened the box but it had not moved from the exact location it had been place in December. I had it sitting on the end table and Jake was standing in front of it in awe! I had no idea how time consuming this could be for the two boys. Now I am typing. I could be cleaning. But why clean when I could write. Hallllaaaa!
Ted works day shift today for some firearms training. But I'm happy he will work a normal schedule for once. 7am-3pm holy mackerel this is like a vacation day to me....seriously. I wish this was his shift all of the time.
Now I have to to practice for Saturday's race. Amber and I ran 4 miles yesterday. I need to practice. Grant is running the 1 miler with Sidney (Amber's daughter- Grant's friend) and after I run I'm taking them down to the WIU track for grant to run one lap around the track (1/4 mile). He is excited. I told them I would let them get a tropical snow when Daddy got home this afternoon...yes, all the food dyes included! We are going to go back to the library to check out a ton more books because in a week they put a limit on how many books you can check out at a time due to the summer reading program. Hence why we go three times a week, we read four books in like five minutes...that stinks. Last time they both got to check out 10 books! I have 12 checked out for building a farm and homestead right now! OK. Peace out.
Don't forget to ace wrap or better to duct tape the ice pack to your foot when chasing small children, but not directly onto the skin. 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off. Take Aleve (1 capsule) for pain or (Motrin 800mg)for inflammation, but for it to really work well for inflammation you have to do it until the injury is more mobile and less stiff or swollen. I'm only saying this because I know you aren't going to the doctor...but you really should if it starts to hurt worse. I will be amputating by Friday and putting on a prosthetic if it isn't better by then.
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