Friday, July 9, 2010


My mother is convinced that Grant will name his daughter Karma. As he grows older and he hears my voice saying the various annoying phrases I repeated over and over during his youth, the one he will hear more than any other will probably be "that's Karma my dear, what DID you expect?" Yet, I have made a recent attempt to turn that word into a positive way of saying "you get back the positivity you put into the world." I found a necklace that says "Karma" to remind myself of this concept. I have always struggled with optimism. I have worn it since I bought it. I often reach up and rub it. I bought it while I was with one of the most optimistic and positive friends I've had in my life. Many of us often think of Karma as a negative result or consequence that we endure for doing something wrong/shameful/dishonest, etc. Yet, how often do we see it as a reminder that if we give good we will get good? I had never thought of it that way until I saw the description on the necklace when I bought it.
I was trying to think of the happiest time in my life the other day and I realized to my surprise that it was right after I had to have my uterus, cervix, ovaries, lymph nodes and other tissue removed in the spring of 2009. The scar and the recovery were painful. The fear of cancer was terrifying, yet, as time moved by I quickly made the decision to either change my attitude or let it consume me. For months I was probably the healthiest, in the best shape, the happiest and the most in love with life I had ever been. Of course, like all good things, we lose our appreciation and take it all for granted. Yet, for that time in my life Karma and I interacted like a cause and affect supported by the laws of energy, (energy can be created, but cannot be can only be transfered). Somewhere and somehow my energy was transfered: not destroyed, but transfered. I think I have finally figured out the connection to Karma. It isn't the bad that I do that comes back to bite is the good I do, the happy I feel, the smile I give, the love I feel, the positivity I give away....
Karma just may not be an association with that annoying phrase that Grant hears in his head anymore. Maybe it can be altered to, "See that good you did Grant- it will come back to you- It's Karma you know!" Then maybe Mom will be right and he just may name his daughter "Karma".

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