Although my energy hasn't returned, I had a rare bout of motivation today. I was able to clean more than I have cleaned since we have lived here. Even more rare Grant told me that the house looked "GREAT", and he thanked me for doing it! When I was working out everyday and in great shape the house was an afterthought to me. Now that I am here all the time I have time to clean and organize. The energy would be helpful, but I would rather have motivation if I had to choose anyway. As these recent days have been dragging by I have drawn my focus onto little things, that some people probably wouldn't even notice.
*I love watermelon, but not as much as I do now that I watched Kara cut it. Remember those little number cubes for counting in math when we were in kindergarten and first grade? It is as small and as perfectly shaped as that. Every bite is perfect size. To keep it crisp and fresh drain the watermelon juice off of the watermelon for as long as it lasts.
* Do you ever notice the more things you get rid of the more free you feel? I went through our things before we moved from our old house to here (the home we care take for while we are building our home). We eliminated about 75% of what we owned. It felt good. Once we got here, I watched as our things still seemed to bog us down. So, I have slowly been eliminating more things. Every time I pick something up I ask myself, " Do I need this, is it special in some way that nothing else could replace, if I lost this would I even realize I had lost it?" If I answer no, then into the trash, or off to donations it goes. I hope to go through our storage out back and do the same here in the next month.
* Ted and I are getting ready to celebrate our eighth wedding anniversary on Tuesday and in October we will have been together for 11 years! I still feel that I married the best man for me and I am so excited to be building our dream home together. We got our church newsletter in the mail and found that even though we were married in that church with that minister and my husband and his family were all members there at that time, we did not make it under the anniversary's. I'm kind of bummed.
* Jake really lies a lot lately. He says that he is scared of Mommy- but he says it to me. I say, "So, you are lying to Mommy because you are scared of Mommy?" "What do you think Mommy is going to do??" I repeat over and over so he gets it and Grant does it as well- there is a rule in this house that I feel strongly about.
"Bad things might happen, but tell me the truth right away so I can help you fix it or show you how do do it differently the next time, but if you lie to Mommy you will be punished. Your punishment will always we worse when you lie to me!"
Grant will say, "Just tell Mommy the truth Jake, you won't get in trouble, just tell her....tell her, awww, now you are going to get in trouble, why didn't you just tell her Jake?" And Jake just stands there with his lying face on. He isn't even a good liar.
* We sent our final request to the builder today and once he adjusts it we have to make all of the smaller choices like, windows, cabinets, flooring, etc. All I can think about is the boys room and the tree house of all tree houses I plan on building them.
* I had to get a tetanus shot today from all the injuries- none related; that I sustained after a days work of my cleaning job and trimming trees and yard clean-up. Dang I forgot how annoyingly painful your arm gets from those!
* I started cleaning carpets tonight. I started with the ones the farthest from the boys and blocked it all off. I will have to do a lot of planning to clean all of these carpets, move furniture, dry the carpets, and keep the kids off of them until they are dry.
Wow this blog entry sure is amazingly interesting (sar.) I just was really emptying out my brain before bed.
"I love people who have been through adversity and heartache and obstacles as impossible as the sun itself. They usually make it out with hearts as warm as gold. Cores made of fire. Lives soaked with full intention. Hope like another morning. They know how to start again- how to walk through walls with palms wide open, and how to begin at the edge, and end. Those to me, are the best people." ~Victoria Erickson
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