I am not eccentric. It's just that I am more alive than most people. I am an unpopular electric eel set in a pond of goldfish. ~Dame Edith Sitwell
So today was good. I woke up at 6, got ready and waited for Ted to get home from work. I was waiting by the door with my running shoes, my ipod armband, my cell phone, and my sunglasses. When he got in the door I passed the baton to him and I got to go for a run! He always stays up for about an hour before going to bed in the mornings so I had a tiny window to go and I took it. It was clear to the world that I need get my run on again. My blog entry last night and my bad attitude in general shows my need for it. I have always wanted to be that person who starts their day out with a run. I always feel great afterwards. Getting motivated is key.
When I got back I didn't need any caffeine. I had enough energy! I had less anxiety all day. It helped that I spent the whole day moving and working really hard.
Grant likes to use my phone and particularly likes to call his Grandma Arline lately. Sometimes it feels like he is sending her his SOS. Makes sense though...I did it too when I was little. "Grandma, I'm gonna ride my bike down," I would say, or I would just show up. He called her and asked if he could go to her house and play. I heard him talking and realized what he was doing. I just watched him to see how he acted on the phone with her. I could tell by his face that she was okay with it. He loves to look for toads in her yard. He paused to ask me if he could go to his Grandma's and I said, "Did she say it was okay, when would you be going and when would you be home?" He accidentally hung up on her then and I called her back to see what the details were. She said that both of the boys should come and play until 1pm and that she would take care of lunch. I admit, I was excited at the possibility to get somethings done without actually having to ask for help:-)
I wanted to do some touch up mowing and weed-wacking around the ditches where it was too steep to mow with the riding mower. Then I had to rake tons of grass after mowing because the grass was so long when I cut it that it left huge piles in the yard. I worked from 9:30-12:30 without realizing that even an hour had gone by. I got a nasty sunburn. 3 acres is a lot of ground when it has trees scattered and hills and things I shouldn't hit (like the cars)! J/K :-)
I looked at my garden and was so happy to see things coming along quite well. So many of the seeds are up and the plants I planted are so tall! I'm really impressed by the broccoli and the lettuce.
Anyway, I also walked to wt. class tonight which is another 2.5 miles. Then my sheet at wt. class tonight was strip methods and that is wicked hard. I actually stopped and went out to the car to get change, bought a mt. dew, drank it and then went back in because I was shaking and really dizzy and I needed to replace some sugar. I felt fine afterwards. Grant and Jake hang out in the nursery with Whitney, our Trainers daughter I think she is 7 or 8. She has the reddest curliest hair ever. I wish I had a daughter with bright red hair, curly hair and freckles. Sounds like my Mom doesn't it! Grant has known Whitney since we started to go to that class almost 2 years ago. He still calls her "that girl" because he is too smitten to get anything else out. You should see him. He can't talk. He told me tonight that he is going to make "that girl" his girlfriend someday. I said, "good luck, she is 2-3 years older than you! But, if you want to make her your girl...you better learn to say her name."
It is amazing how much more I enjoy the boys when we aren't around each other all day. Grant has been really funny lately. I mean, not your "unintentional funny", but your "I'm a stand-up comedian" funny.
Jake is imitating him...that is even more funny. Tonight Jake fell off of the swing set onto his face and he instantly got up and said, "WOW, I'm sure not gonna try THAT again!" This was only minutes after Grant pulled the seahorse scene off of Shark Tale...."Who in the Halibut trips under water!" Except he did it off of the swing set somehow and kneed himself in the face. But, I saw it in slow motion so it seem just like the movie. He ended up with a mouth full of blood. I was just worried that he hadn't lost a tooth. Now that I'm thinking about it I guess he will be loosing them soon anyway. Well after we got inside he was drinking some milk and he stopped to say to me "Just so you know, milk mixed with blood: not tasty. I just feel like a vampire drinking all that blood!"
Ted and I are bummed because we scheduled for Mom to watch the boys all day tomorrow so that we would get some important things done. She called tonight to tell us that she can't because she has an eye infection. We had planned another day for our important things on last Wed. but there were a few glitches. I just ended up feeling bad in the end. These two dates planned well in advance have become the reason why depending on other people seems to be pointless. Unless you have paid staff you can't depend on anyone.
Anyone willing to watch the boys for us any time from tomorrow thru next Tues. for 5$ hour? You can watch them here at their own home if you want. If you are here watching the boys while Ted and I are working on our duties, I can make you lunch, All you would have to do is keep them busy outside or play with them inside in a tidy manor. We are preparing for company next Wednesday by the owners.
"I love people who have been through adversity and heartache and obstacles as impossible as the sun itself. They usually make it out with hearts as warm as gold. Cores made of fire. Lives soaked with full intention. Hope like another morning. They know how to start again- how to walk through walls with palms wide open, and how to begin at the edge, and end. Those to me, are the best people." ~Victoria Erickson
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“The Wisdom That Comes From Not Knowing”
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1 comment:
I would be happy to help watch your kiddos Monday & Tuesday after I get off work if you need me. I shouldn't be too late those nights and could be to Macomb by 4:30 or so. Let me know! Hang in there! I'll be off in a few weeks and can help out if you guys need to get stuff done while you're trying to build and such.
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