1) Glee- Favorite TV show! I DVR it along with all of the other shows and watch them at night when I can. SOme people really got into Twilight and I never did. I am what you call a Gleek. I am obsessed. I know way too much about the actors and every detail of the show.
2) So You Think You Can Dance- Grant and I have always watched this together since he was born. He loves it. I DVR it for him and I to watch together, but I can't ever wait so I secretly watch it at night before he sees it. This show is what got Grant into break dancing moves and ultimately inspired him to learn odd things like stand on his head, walk on his hands, do flips, etc.
3) Community, Modern Family, The Middle, Wizards of Waverly Place, iCarly- I love to laugh and I do nothing other than laugh when I see these shows. I watch the last two b/c the boys love them. Grant wants to watch a new one called Good Luck Charlie, I'll let you know....
4) XM or Sirius Radio: Doctor Radio 119- Mom has this in her car and whenever I get to drive it I am tempted to take off and drive until I can't stay awake any longer simply listening to the Dr. Radio. It is such great stuff. I have to have it! Either I will steal Mom's car or buy xm or Sirius radio. Oddly enough, my police officer husband would vote for stealing Mom's car.
5) My magazine subscriptions: New England Journal of Medicine, Runners World, Fitness and Shape- I have about four months of magazines to read for each one because I am so far behind. I'll get there. I really enjoy reading, I just need more hours in a day or less need for sleep.
6) Tillers- Hoeing is impossible if your garden is ginormous. I found a tiller I want and I think I will just add it to the list of lawn equipment we will be buying soon.
7) Riding mowers- I love mowing!I am looking a mower I have been wanting for awhile. I think will call my brother Dan, my cousin Jim, and my other cousin Darren soon. there are so many things I want to ask them about when it comes to building our farm from ground up. They carry pieces of Grandpa in their brains and all of their experiences in life have made them a high commodity in my life. I value their opinions.
8) Toads and Frogs- Grant loves looking for hours on end for toad and frogs no matter where we are at. It keeps him busy and it keeps him happy. That is perfect in my book. A busy, happy, child.
9) Wormies- Jake loves looking for wormies wherever there is dirt and a shovel. I also enjoy this due to Jake's love for it as well as it keeps him very busy!
10) Lap counters- They YMCA has been my choice of running lately due to my issues with heat and stomach cramps. I have to have a lap counter who I run on their track....I lose track of mu laps after lap 3 without it. I am a really focused runner. Some could call it dazed.
11) Low-Sodium V8- These are a great refuel after a run and if you want to drink one before your run drink it about 1 hour before to make sure it wont cause any immediate intestinal discomfort. The Potassium in the low-sodium version I buy is the highest amount I have found in a drink. I love it.
12) Erma Bombeck Books- I am currently a student of Erma Bombeck
13) Prayer Jar- A reminder that I can take it to God, but I must leave it with him and then leave him alone with it. I won't ask for it back if it doesn't get done the way I wanted, sometimes I just remind myself that some of Gods greatest gifts are unanswered prayers.
14) A non-picky husband- Wanted me to stay home with the kids but didn't make me, wanted me to not give up when Grant was Jake's age now (2.5) and go to work Jake was a newborn because I was going out of my mind... I couldn't handle it, but he told me we could make anything work if we really needed to. He didn't want me to have to go back to work now that we are building, but I really should so we can comfortable pay our loan payments on the home. He doesn't get mad when the dishes aren't done or the laundry isn't done, he doesn't get mad that I leave my wet towels everywhere....But he does get pretty po'ed if you offer him food and hold it up toward his face! Oh, and make sure not to say 24/7 because he can't stand it when people say that. I'm sorry I lay my wet towels everywhere 24/7 Ted, I will work on it. :)
15) Grant again- He gets my sarcasm and he can finish my thoughts and sentences. I love that kid
16) Dancing, dreaming of dancing, wishing I was dancing, thinking about dancing, wondering if I'm too old to be a dancer......:-)
17) Moments when I am running
18) Moments when I am lifting
19) Moments when I am laughing
20) Restaurants that have healthy options other than apples and milk- What about vegetables?
21) When Jake does the robot- still as funny as the first time he did it at 1 year old
22) When Ted is silly- not may times anymore because he is always so tired from constant shift changes, but when Uncle Neil comes over to play, Daddy gets his silly on and I see the man I fell in love with.
23) When Grant puts on shows- I really think this kid may have a future in comedy...not sure how, but he has great comedic timing
24) When I'm around happy people- its contagious
25) Mocha Frappes from McDonald's- one time a week, just like Kelly said. In the beginning I got them everyday for like two weeks and gained weight...not telling how much but it was too much. I lost it right away when I stopped though.
26) Occasional Mt. Dew's- Drinking lots of water and tea
27) Moments like right now- kids are asleep, laundry and dishes are in the middle of cycles and I am writing while the season finale of Dancing With The Stars and American Idol play in the background.
28) When my butt-thigh separates into a butt and a thigh- I just need to be more dedicated to lifting and not let anything get in the way.
29) swings- Jake loves to swing for hours....no seriously hours.... I can sit in a chair, read a magazine and push him with one arm while reading with the other! I know it sounds lazy but that kid never gives up!
30) freshly brewed iced tea
"I love people who have been through adversity and heartache and obstacles as impossible as the sun itself. They usually make it out with hearts as warm as gold. Cores made of fire. Lives soaked with full intention. Hope like another morning. They know how to start again- how to walk through walls with palms wide open, and how to begin at the edge, and end. Those to me, are the best people." ~Victoria Erickson
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