By The way this is at my 30th B-day Party It was a theme party (dress as a decade). Mom was Jane Fonda...Dan was Depression Era-ish, and I was the 50's (June Cleaver-ish):
For years I have loved to mow. I could never really explain it. While mowing the 3 acres of lawn tonight on the John Deere riding lawn mower, (which I will deeply miss when we move to our new home), it finally hit me why I loved it so much. I had so much time to think one of the many things I did think about was how I was a terrible housewife, but how I was quite good at being a "husband" role or whatever that stereotype used to be. I love fixing things, putting things together, hard labor...outside, gardening, farming, learning about mechanics, electronics, appliances, carpentry, etc. I hate laundry, dishes, picking up stupid toys over and over and over and over and over.......................................... same old stuff everyday blah, blah, blah. When I mow the lawn I see an immediate change. I can be a perfectionist. I can do it my own way and by myself. If I hate the way the lines look after I mowed I can drive down the row again and make it look straight quick as a wink. I don't have to listen to anyone. I think I like mowing for a lot of the same reasons I like to run. Now, as I lay here on the floor, no one can go out into my yard and make the yard grow to the height it was before I cut it tonight by tomorrow morning. I know I won't have to do it all over again tomorrow. If I pick up this bakugan laying right next to me and put it into the toy container, somehow it will climb out of the container while I am sleeping and inevitably roll into the hallway just in the perfect place to step on as I walk out of the bedroom tomorrow morning!
I fixed the toilet the other night. I won't have to fix it again any time soon. I got rid of the washer that was flooding the laundry room and got a new one... I won't have to go that again any time soon. I planted my garden a few weeks ago. I get to watch it grow, but no real disasters ever occur there everyday. When I put things together, they don't come undone. When I hung the swing, it stayed there.
When I put sheets on the bed, they get peed on the same night and I change them and start over everyday. When I make the boys a meal, the first thing they do is complain about it, then they eat 1/8th of the food, and somehow get the rest all over themselves and the table. I put a vinyl table cloth under the table to catch their mess. Yep, not on the table, I put it under the table.
No offense men....well, nevermind...that offense.... I don't really care anymore. Doing a job that is new each time even though it may be challenging, is still easier/less boring than picking up the same toy for the billionth time, doing dishes nonstop, laundry, cleaning, dishes, laundry....I am not a housewife. I guess I can only call myself a Mom that stays at home. But, I would love to say that I am the CEO of this mofo.
Grant asked me why I don't work. He asked me why I don't have a job. Is it wrong to tell your son to "suck it"? J/K I wouldn't really do that. I just think that is wrong for our society to teach the kids that for a Mom to choose to be at home she must be doing nothing. For the people I just offended. Don't forget I did work before. I worked at the hospital in the ER. I drove the ambulance. I went for many days on less sleep than I do now. I watched people die. I helped people live. It was a constant adrenaline rush. Yeah, this job of Mom who stays at home.....the hardest job I've ever had and I swear I will ever have again.
I guess I am just grieving for the life and respect I feel I lost because I thought I was making the right choice. (The following does not apply to KW b/c she rocks!) I saw some professionals in the community at different times recently. They were all training for a half-marathon, triathlon, marathon....I'll admit it I got pissed. The first thing I thought was. Gee, must be hard to find time to exercise when your kids are at daycare. Must be hard to find time to workout when you can depend on your spouse to help you watch your kids when you need a break. But, oh, we wouldn't want to be dependent would we?
Wow. I should have stopped typing a long time ago. Let's see who else can I offend....
Ummm, yeah... and the pope sucks, Packers rule, people who can get their nails done and keep them looking nice don't do anything other then play with their iphone and itouch, bobble heads are jerks, and diet soda will end up making you gain more weight than regular :-P For those of you who know me, you will not be offended because you will know I am just making fun of myself and joking around about my bad attitude, but for those of you who are reading this and going, "Oh, my GOD, what a jerk!" Do me a favor. Please stop reading my blog.
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