Monday, November 8, 2010

How can this be?

Our house plans fell through today. We are stuck. I feel lost. I fear for my family. I feel ashamed and embarrassed. Where do we go from here? I suppose there is a fine line between wanting more for your family and wishing for the unlikely. I pray for my husband to have peace in this. I hope he understands that even with this hit we are still a family and we don't need a dream home to make that dream come true.


Tonya said...

WHAT? You aren't able to build at all?

Joanna Reinhardt-Anderson said...

Not with this appraisal, this bank, and this builder. I'm not sure what to do now. I'm going to give my heart and mind a week to let it resonate. The appraiser low-balled us, the builder has changed his story more times than he has ever told the truth, and the bank, well-I'm too embarrassed to walk back in there again.

Anonymous said...

Im praying for you all, hopefuly the builder will get hit with some wisdome and the bank situation will get better. If you need anything were here for you all, you can move in with us if you want HAHA more madness to add to our insanity HEHE
- G

Anonymous said...


Kelly said...

We love you guys. Hang in there. It will happen. Maybe not now, in the way you have planned, but don't let go of your dreams. I'll always be there to be your dance partner when life stinks!

Tonya said...

That makes me a little nervous about getting our house appraised for our refi. Praying that is all works out and you are stronger for everything you have gone through like I know you will be. I love you girl.

“The Wisdom That Comes From Not Knowing”

I want to do spoken poetry.  I want to stand in front of children and tell a story with such theatrical illusionary magic and  dimension tha...