I'm feeling the effects of the constant working so I think my blog will suffer tonight. I just wanted to mention some thoughts on today. I have to get up and work at my Dad's grain elevator tomorrow. I'm thinking about starting Dad's documentary tomorrow as well, we will see how well his workers behave ;-p
Today was my very first field trip as a mother. It was Grant's very first field trip as a kindergartner. One of the Mom's, who I rode to the pumpkin farm with, often said the things that I was either thinking or that I was in the process of verbalizing. Funny how antisocial me can find people that are so cool even when I shut myself off from the world most of the time. The comment that stuck with me was the one about dreading things before she got to them and not wanting to go, but when she got there she was always fine and ended up having a good time. Perfectly said my dear Matsey, perfectly said! I was glad to have had the chance to ride with the Mom's I rode with. I understand my personality doesn't always click with everyone's....ok I won't continue with that comment.
But I had a great time learning about these women and admiring them for who they are.
Mrs. Bear put me in charge of Grant, his best friend Massimo and another little boy who had an Armenian accent. So I had three crazy boys :-) and Two rockin' accents! Massimo is adorable and I can so how Grant and him are best friends. They walk around holding hands. I am not allowed to hug him in public but he can hold hands with his best friend. Little stinker. That's fine Grant I won't tell anyone how you still have to run your fingers through Mommy's hair to fall asleep when you have had a tough day. Opps! Did I tell it already, hehehe! Italians express love and emotion better than American in my opinion and I have always tried to help Grant realize that it is okay to express love and emotions. So I am wondering if he and Massimo are similar for that reason as well, that and their "crazy-optimistic- bright- eyed- take- on- the- world- and- ask- all-the- questions- because -I -have- to -know -it -all" type of personality. They are great. I felt like I got the greatest group of kids! At one point Massimo was talking about the Veggie Tales Pirate Movie and I started to whisper sing "We are the pirates who don't do anything...." His eyes got ever bigger and he said- "You like the Veggie Tales Too?!" Another little girl came up to me and asked if I was Grant's Mommy and I said "Yes...is that a good thing?" and she replied, "OH YES! And you are so prreeeeetttyyy!" I can't tell you how impressed I am with how well Mrs. Bear runs her class and with as many students as she has! I am also impressed with who she is as a person. She is the best possible teacher Grant could have had and I genuially feel blessed.
So, even though I dreaded the social aspect of the day. I made it, and not only made it, I enjoyed it. Jake got to play at his Tiffy's house and cried for only and hour when we left! I guess that means he had a good time and needed a nap.
Tomorrow the boys get to play on big Grant's playground because my friend Shannon is watching them while I work at the elevator. As a joke I plan on writing up a long list of rules and guidelines for her to follow to see the look on her face. Ahhhh, the time I take to screw around with Shannon. It is so worth my effort. Right now I am getting ready to wrap up a box of ground flax seed with wrapping paper and a bow b/c she always makes fun of me for being a health nut. I will give it to her and run before she has a chance to throw the box at me! MUUUUHHHHAHHAHAHAHAHAH! Oh, how I love tormenting her.
Well, off to evil things ;-p
"I love people who have been through adversity and heartache and obstacles as impossible as the sun itself. They usually make it out with hearts as warm as gold. Cores made of fire. Lives soaked with full intention. Hope like another morning. They know how to start again- how to walk through walls with palms wide open, and how to begin at the edge, and end. Those to me, are the best people." ~Victoria Erickson
Friday, October 8, 2010
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“The Wisdom That Comes From Not Knowing”
I want to do spoken poetry. I want to stand in front of children and tell a story with such theatrical illusionary magic and dimension tha...
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Aunt Jo,
This is why you all fit into our family so perfectly, we love to play jokes and pranks and laugh. HAHA! im charging the camera for moms reaction tomorrow! i just can't stop laughing HAHA. Keep up the good work :)
I had a great time too! And don't worry, you're just the right amount of crazy!
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