Oh dear God help me forgive the people who call my cell phone over and over and over and over and it isn't to tell me that they lost a limb or they are in the hospital or something serious. If you leave me a message on my phone, be nice or I won't call you back....ever. I don't mind phone calls, just don't give me attitude if I can't drop everything and answer the phone. I am going to start a live feed to my home so you all can see when you should call. Then you will think twice about your thirteenth phone call to just ask "what's up?"
Sometimes I don't call people back because I am human and I forget. Sometimes I don't call people back because prying the penny out of my two year old's nose, unlocking him from the bathroom, pulling him off of counters, shelves, very high railings, is more important than answering a question "so what are you doing today?" Read my blog, you will figure it out. I type when the world has stopped spinning for two minutes.
Seriously, I am about ready to smash my cell phone with a sledge hammer. I drove over it once, what else do I have to do? Just kidding, that really was an accident. The point is this: think this before you repeatedly dial someone: what would people have done before cell phones? Would this warrant a call to their house phone, a letter in the mail, or a knock on the door? Then by all means, call, and if I don't answer the phone because of the poop on my hands then leave a message. If you are nice, I will call you back. If it is to chat, I'm sorry if I can't find the time between running around the house all day like a chicken with my head cut off only to drop where I stand at the end of the day. I love my family, I love my friends. I wish I could be more available right now. Building a house is NOT what I thought it would be. Ted choosing this shift again is NOT what I expected. Jake having a wish to kill himself with every turn is NOT what I hoped for. Not being able to kidnap Amber and make her live with me is NOT fair.
If I complain today and write a nice blog tonight then I will make up for my terribly bad attitude.
Other pet peeves for the day:
I am human and I have feelings if you poke me enough I will blow.
Why do only junk foods go on sale?
What ever happened to grace, compassion, empathy, sympathy?
Why do people keep secrets from their family?
If I ask you "what is wrong?" because I want to help...why can't people be honest
Why is it embarrassing to tell people "I'm having a bad day"?
"I love people who have been through adversity and heartache and obstacles as impossible as the sun itself. They usually make it out with hearts as warm as gold. Cores made of fire. Lives soaked with full intention. Hope like another morning. They know how to start again- how to walk through walls with palms wide open, and how to begin at the edge, and end. Those to me, are the best people." ~Victoria Erickson
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