"I love people who have been through adversity and heartache and obstacles as impossible as the sun itself. They usually make it out with hearts as warm as gold. Cores made of fire. Lives soaked with full intention. Hope like another morning. They know how to start again- how to walk through walls with palms wide open, and how to begin at the edge, and end. Those to me, are the best people." ~Victoria Erickson
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Oh church why must you make me feel stuff
The new church is the closest I have ever felt to the church back home. At the end of the service the minister always asks for anyone who feels moved to do so can come to the front of the church and share their desire to join this church family or simply share how God has moved them in their lives. It says in the bulletin that you can change your church membership by letter and the church family will welcome you in at this part. Someday I want to do that. Deep down I long for the past though and feel as if I would be abandoning the little church in Seaton Illinois that changed my life and always stood by my side. I know many of those people are gone even though the church still remains. Some of them are still there today though. I guess the best part of family is when they watch you turn into who you are going to be, hug you and send you on your way. If I ever did walk to the front of this church and transfer my membership I'm afraid I might bawl like a baby in front of everyone. I feel like I am beginning to find a place of belonging again and I long for Sunday each week. I already know what I will say when I do it though, "Thank you for helping me find my way home. Thank you for being what I have been looking for. Thank you for being the place I will raise my children, so that they may have the wonderful experience of growing up in a church family as loving, supporting and accepting as I did at Seaton Center Presbyterian Church in little Seaton, IL." I can't do it until I can say that without crying.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Sharing can cause fear and resentment
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Grandpa's Song- By Christy Lane
I'm only human.
I'm just a woman.
Lord help me believe in all I can be
And all that I am.
Show me the stairway that I have to climb
And Lord for my sake
Teach me to take one day at a time.
One day at a time sweet Jesus
That's all that I'm asking from You.
Lord give me the strength to do every day what I have to do.
Yesterday's gone sweet Jesus and tomorrow may never be mine.
Lord help me today show me the way one day at a time.
Now do You remember when You walked among men?
Well Jesus You know if You're looking below
It's worse now than then.
Pushing and shoving violence and crime
And so for my sake teach me to take one day at a time.
One day at a time sweet Jesus
That's all that I'm asking from You.
Lord give me the strength to do every day what I have to do.
Yesterday's gone sweet Jesus and tomorrow may never be mine.
Lord help me today and show me the way one day at a time.
Lord help me today show me the way
One day at a time.
I printed this on the back of a t-shirt one time. It got all faded and now I can't read it. I'm going to do it again. Then I'm going to wear it everyday.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Filled Up That Lonely Space
By Joanna Reinhardt-Anderson
There is a place right by me no matter where I go
It's empty, quiet, lonely, and bare
I hated that space for so long
I thought that if we were together why should I feel so alone?
But that spot sat there holding its own, being so selfishly empty.
How could I be so lonely around so many people?
How could I be so lonely with my empty place filler?
I found myself so very far from what I have ever known
and realized that I wanted to go back home
A deep longing inside my heart made me feel like I needed to go
When I opened the doors of the church and stepped inside I couldn't speak
For so very long I had been a runaway and now I had found my home again.
I found my way to a pew and calmly sat and slid into
I never for a moment realized that my spot was not sitting with me.
It had no place beside me as God was sitting in its place here.
I didn't feel a loss or a sense that something was missing I soon remembered
upon that spot it had been sitting was the place in my life I had saved for my faith
A place I felt empty without; so displaced and even replaced
Yet, I was the one who filled my spot with my nothingness as I journeyed into my adulthood
I thought that I was meant to fill it with other things
I thought I was meant to fill it with conditional loves, and passing interests
Yet, now I know why I was so lonely no matter where I would go
My spot and me sitting there and I was wondering why that empty soul didn't care...
It was all because I had left it there.
This place for God in my life is much more solid than anything else. It wasn't as if God wasn't there for me if I didn't see.
I was more like me forgetting that there is a place for him right next to me and I will share it happily.
He never ignores me, blows me off, leaves me alone in my darkest hours.
Now that I finally figured this out, I can sit alone in a group of people and feel surrounded or next to my husband as he sleeps an feel interesting and appreciated.
I feel like I can carry a load that I never knew I was able to carry.
As these days carry on and my feeling of being overwhelmed and invisible, i wish anyone I love to never be as lonely as I have been.
You should never have to feel without God while he is sitting right by your side.
It simply was a moment in time that I forgot that God was mine.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Little Girl Lost in Thought
Gentle breeze, slightly hot; little girl lost in thought
Picnic table, old tin roof; a mile from loves greatest proof
Great acceptance, loving grace; so much to offer in this place
Farmers spray, mowers trim; she really wants to be like him
Jolly soul, working hard; see him pull into the yard
Little church, loving people; all the heart beneath this steeple
Baseball field, faces beam; only girl on the team
Cousins so fun, off on a run; playing in the hot summer sun
The best French toast, hearts to mend; a grandmother who is my friend.
Teenage girl lost in thought; Worried about all the things she’s not
Strong beliefs, standing tall; not sure pain is worth it all
Fitting in, lots of fears, covering her shoulders with the tears
Daily pep talks, picking up; remembering a half full cup
Dreaming big, ambitions soars; life has opened many doors
Eighteen years, lost in thought, trying to hang on to all he taught
Me and Papa, stop for a treat; moving my things in the heat
A new home, scary newness; I wasn’t ever ready for this
Turned around, all alone; he had already left for home
Tiny ant, world of giants; came to fear the awkward silence.
Exercise: morning, noon, and night, thought it might help me fit in right
Better body, bigger chest, not sure why I wanted to be like the rest
Found a job saving lives, turned my focus outside my eyes
Ambulances, CPR, Emergency medicine,
Learned blessings in life are not about living with or without sin
Studied hard, never pleased, felt like my time was under siege
A life path filled with choreography leaves no room for you to be free.
Many majors, many goals; very few end up climbing out of these holes.
Picking jobs, planning your voice, why must there only be one choice?
Young woman, lost in thought, wondering why her most resent love was lost
Turned around, saw him there; deepest eyes and the darkest hair
In this bowling alley, he was there, can you really know so fast that a love was meant to last?
Secret phone call, nerves astound, often brought me to the ground.
First date was enchanting, second and third were more outstanding
Fell in love fast and deeply, gave my heart and soul completely
Sour patch kids, juggling, climbing trees, He was the missing piece of me,
In the park, a with a gazebo, music playing, lights and ring
On his knee, felt so right, it is does as I type tonight
This poem needs so much work and I want to add a few more stanza’s but I should be working on my to do list instead. This is simply a work in process, I just thought I would post some of it now. Anyone who knows me knows that by showing this unfinished and cluttered (rhythmically and chronologically), knows that I must be working on this wonderful concept called, “Letting it go”
Life is a race, don’t wanna win; all that means is it’s the end
Crazy kids, loud and hyper; I couldn’t change another diaper
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
If not for the dark night, we would not see the stars
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Tomorrow will be a better day.
“The Wisdom That Comes From Not Knowing”
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