Friday, August 27, 2010

The Gift of "Grant"-ing

A young man in the church I belong to has been quite an inspiration to my life these days. He introduced me to his mother, whom I found complete acceptance through her love, kindness and humor. Their lack of judgement, and positive and optimistic attitudes are appealing. Yet,they do it without  
pretending they are only happy all of the time. They are exactly what you see. They don't hide anything. They are real. Real people amaze me (I'd like to say I am real) in that I find this place a lonely place to be. It's difficult when you admit your faults, admit you may be wrong at times, but are willing to do whatever it takes to remedy situations. Or when you feel you have been wrong you stand firm until the time comes to speak your words. Hopefully the thoughts are well thought through and less manic as they were when they first jumped inside your head. His mother raises this young man as I hope to raise my own children and I would have to say that she is a strong, beautiful soul inside and out. I can't imagine a man not falling head over heals for this amazing woman. Sorry though losers, she's married. I hope her sons and her husband realize how awesome she really is. While the oldest son whom I have grown very impressed with over the last few months has watched me deal with my own issues, he as been nothing sort of a friend. In fact the other day I was upset about the house not coming along as quickly as I would have liked and he sent me this e-mail. So I wanted to share it with you. He won't mind as they are simply quotes.
Great Quotes none the less:

Inspirational, uplifting, and supportive Quotes

The more difficulties one has to encounter, within and without, the more significant and the higher in inspiration his or hers life will be.
Horace Bushnell

Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true.
Leon J. Suenes

The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen.
Frank Loyd Wright

To climb steep hills requires a slow pace at first.

Go back a little to leap further.
John Clarke

All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.
Walt Disney

Dreams are today's answers to tomorrow's questions.
Edgar Cayce

We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.
Walt Disney

Fall seven times, stand up eight.
Japanese Proverb

When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hang on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.
Harriet Beecher Stowe

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

If you're going through hell, keep going.
Winston Churchill

A bend in the road is not the end of the road... unless you fail to make the turn.
Author Unknown

I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much.
Mother Teresa

We acquire the strength we have overcome.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Count the garden by the flowers, never by the leaves that fall. Count your life with smiles and not the tears that roll.
Author Unknown

I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind.
Some come from ahead and some come from behind. But I've bought a big bat. I'm all ready you see. Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!
Dr. Seuss

These are just a few of my favorite quotes that I thought might help you two in this tough time you're going through. Always remember anything is possible trough perseverance, faith, belief, and hope.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

That van down by the river is sure looking good right now.

Dear R&R Dream Homes and All American Homes,
Joanna Anderson

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How do you decide?

When your spouse works full time hours, (8 hours), and you are a stay-at-home mother working constantly (24 hours of everyday except for the times when they are sleeping and even then you are still responsible for their safety). How do you spend the spouses days off? Do they get their break from work away from the home undisturbed? Or do you get a break from your everyday job? What is fair? Does anyone ever have a real day-off? What is healthy? How does one prioritise what is more important than the children? Should you be cleaning constantly to keep up....and oh how you would to keep up with two small children at home all day. Or do you focus on the time you have with them and their safety? Ideally one could do it all right? NOPE! DON'T be unrealistic. I don't care about the cleaning anymore. I'm taking a stand. I know when things have gone too far and my heart cries out to hold firm. I know in my heart that I am doing the right things. Today I stand strong for stay-at-home mother's. Today I recognize all that you sacrifice. Today I recognize all that you will never be able to put into words. Today I recognize your love for your children, but that you often feel abandoned. Today I recognize that invisible feeling you get when you work so hard only to have it be undone before anyone can see it. Today I recognize the break you want so desperately, but the torn emptiness you feel when you leave as your heart pulls you back to the little souls you live for each day. Today I recognize the lack of sleep you get worrying about things that will never happen. Today I recognize the guilt you feel when people tell you that they wish so badly they could stay at home with their children also. Today I recognize the day you walk out the door to your first job in ten years and realize that what you wanted so badly for so long is terrifying and you want to run back inside and take it all back. Today I recognize all the feelings of failure, ugliness, boredom and regret. Today I honor you stay-at-home mothers. I understand what they will never know. Our time will come. Our pay will be unmeasurable.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Remember this; cherish this

I was on top of my Dad's grain drying facility, wet bin, dry bin, dryer, etc. all connected with ladders and rails and the ultimate jungle gym....
I was there last night with Dad, Mom, Ted and the boys. I immediately got out of the car and headed up the bin. I can't help myself. Dad, Mom and the boys fiddled around in the mud and dirt on the ground while I watch them as I climbed higher and higher. They began to look as small as ants from the top and I started to feel like I was in the perfect seclusion. Ted followed me up. He took more breaks, went a bit slower and headed back down much quicker than I. I went from the top of the dryer over to the ledge and back to the wet bin. I didn't have a camera, I just had my camera phone. My childhood came rushing back. The breeze that was blowing through my hair felt like a time warp back in time to a time where I always seek out for memories of comfort. No one's rear end has been shaped by the lid of a grain bin like mine. The number of sunsets I watched from on top of a grain bin is and will always be a mystery to me. Was it hundreds? Or did those 50+ times feel like double the magnificence?
Last night was so calm and the straight rows of green fields went for miles. I could see so much more than I ever thought you would be able to see from up there. The sun was setting so slow. The boys were wondering why I wasn't coming down, yet they were also making their own memories with their Grandpa and Grandma so I felt no hurry in waiting. I just kept thinking over and over the amazement of the moment. I have always had the ability to cherish what I need to cherish. I remember times when I was glad that ability has always flashed into my mind when it should have.:
When I was 11 years old- almost 12- "Kenny" (now my Dad because he adopted me- he chose me and I was born of his heart) and Mom got married in a beautiful Christmas Eve ceremony- I remember saying to myself- "remember this; cherish this"
When I had my first kiss- I remember saying first- "that was not like what I thought it was going to be...weird"- and then I said "remember this moment; cherish this."
When I our youth group went on our youth group trips to all of those wonderful places and bonded and grew in our faith- I said in my head "remember this always; cherish this."
One school day in the middle of a snow storm school was let out way too late, and Dan gave tons of people rides home in his Skylark. It was like a snowplow at one point with the snow coming up to the windows! As I was laughing I reminded myself to remember and cherish that moment.
When we first went to the mountains of Colorado and skied- I said to myself to "remember this and cherish this".
When I was 16, I was sliding down the gravel road on a sheet of ice in a pure panic with no control of our car, Dan was sitting in the passenger seat. As I looked at him and begged for advice on what to do, he slowly lifted his root beer up to his lips, took a drink, pulled it down, swallowed slowly and then said, "nothing you can do about it now...just ride it out". We came to a stop as we hit the mailbox in front of the house and then shot backwards into the ditch across the road. He laughed, probably called me something I can't write...and in that moment I said to myself during the amazement at my brothers levelheadedness, "remember this; cherish this."
When I laughed so hard with Sarah when we went to the Youth Triennium at Penn State and she recreated our favorite Saturday Night Live characters I remembered to say "cherish this; remember this always."
When I came home, and found out that my boyfriend had been cheating on me, lying to me, being someone that I thought I knew for the last three years of my high school career I grieved for loss for the very first time in my life and I said oddly enough to myself- "you need to remember this and cherish will learn from this."
I became Prom Queen after feeling like an odd duck out all of my school years, and heard my childhood friend, Myah, yell "GO TURTLE!" as they put the crown on my head as I ironically stood next to my first boyfriend, and wonderful friend Jeff. I looked out to see my Grandfather in the crowd holding a rose with a tear in his eye and I said in my head, "Oh I am going to remember this I am going to cherish this!"
When my Grandfather and I drove to college on move-in day in the red F-150 filled with all my things and we stopped to get doughnuts, just as we always had since I was a toddler, I thought with tear filled eyes, "cherish this moment, remember this."
Ted and I ended our first date talking by my car in a parking lot, I said in my head: "remember this, cherish this."
The night Ted proposed at the gazebo covered in lights with music playing in the background: I said in my head: "remember this moment, cherish this."
When Dad and Grandpa gave me away at our perfect wedding, that night Ted and I sat in our hotel room staring at all of the cards and gifts and feeling overwhelmed at all of the moments and people we wanted to remember and cherish forever.
When Grandpa put his arm around Brenda, my cousin, and I on Christmas to tell us how much he loved us,  we knew. He said this may be my last Christmas so I want it to be special for Grandma. We told him to be quiet and to stop talking like that. We knew. I remember thinking that night as he excused himself to go lie down, remember this Christmas with him and all of us together, cherish it.
When I was able to be with Grandpa as he grew weaker and cancer took him from us all, I was thankful for every moment I had. Every moment we shared I cherished, I never left without giving him three squeezes on his hand, he did it back. We looked at each other in the eyes and he knew I was saying, "I will always remember you, I will always cherish you."
I held his hand and listened as his heart stopped. As odd as it sounds, I was so glad I was there. If I hadn't been given the chance to see him off to heaven I would have been much worse off than I was. As his pain ended and ours intensified, I breathed all of my air out to almost a suffocating blow, I stood by Darren, my childhood protector and cousin, and remember thinking that I wanted to remember these last moments with Grandpa and I was going to cherish them forever.
In the first moments right after we finally had a healthy and beautiful child after losing our first it was the best moment of my life. I prayed and cried out loud as I held my little baby wookie with his giant crazy eyes all alone in the room, "remember this moment, cherish it forever, nothing could ever be as wonderful as this."
When we got blessed enough to deliver another healthy child two and a half years later we named him after Grandpa Jake, he made it though a terrible storm and for the first time in my life I said to myself, I never want to remember that again, I want to forget that forever. I looked down at Jake and looked into his eyes, "I promise you everything I have done, everything I will do and all I give to you in my life will be because I endured the impossible knowing you would be my reward." In that moment I was ready to cherish and remember his birth into this word as living proof that God gives his strength when we finally know what it means to be fighting for something. If you have lost it, you know how to pray with all of your soul to not lose it again. If you have fallen, you know how to pray to with all of your soul to not fall again. If we know what we are losing, we know how hard to fight.
I have left out thousands, so many more have made me cherish my moments so much more by habit and learned response.
And tonight, thinking about all of the things that I cherish being beside me, below me and inside me. It surrounded me all on top of this grain bin. All because of a man who chose me to be his daughter. I was able to be up on top of these bins I have never been on top of anything like them, they are simply taller than any regular gain facility I have seen. So there they were..... all those memory makers, Dad, Mom, Ted, Grant and Jake these wonderful grain bins and these spectacular sunsets.  Ohhhhh, how I was in heaven and I stopped and thought to myself.... remember this, cherish this.

Pet peeves of my stinkin' day

Oh dear God help me forgive the people who call my cell phone over and over and over and over and it isn't to tell me that they lost a limb or they are in the hospital or something serious. If you leave me a message on my phone, be nice or I won't call you back....ever. I don't mind phone calls, just don't give me attitude if I can't drop everything and answer the phone. I am going to start a live feed to my home so you all can see when you should call. Then you will think twice about your thirteenth phone call to just ask "what's up?"
Sometimes I don't call people back because I am human and I forget. Sometimes I don't call people back because prying the penny out of my two year old's nose, unlocking him from the bathroom, pulling him off of counters, shelves, very high railings, is more important than answering a question "so what are you doing today?" Read my blog, you will figure it out. I type when the world has stopped spinning for two minutes.
Seriously, I am about ready to smash my cell phone with a sledge hammer. I drove over it once, what else do I have to do? Just kidding, that really was an accident. The point is this: think this before you repeatedly dial someone: what would people have done before cell phones? Would this warrant a call to their house phone, a letter in the mail, or a knock on the door? Then by all means, call, and if I don't answer the phone because of the poop on my hands then leave a message. If you are nice, I will call you back. If it is to chat, I'm sorry if I can't find the time between running around the house all day like a chicken with my head cut off only to drop where I stand at the end of the day. I love my family, I love my friends. I wish I could be more available right now. Building a house is NOT what I thought it would be. Ted choosing this shift again is NOT what I expected. Jake having a wish to kill himself with every turn is NOT what I hoped for. Not being able to kidnap Amber and make her live with me is NOT fair.
If I complain today and write a nice blog tonight then I will make up for my terribly bad attitude.
Other pet peeves for the day:
I am human and I have feelings if you poke me enough I will blow.
Why do only junk foods go on sale?
What ever happened to grace, compassion, empathy, sympathy?
Why do people keep secrets from their family?
If I ask you "what is wrong?" because I want to help...why can't people be honest
Why is it embarrassing to tell people "I'm having a bad day"?

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Oh Jake...Jake....Jake...Jake

In a split rare second of silence last night Jake was standing in the middle of the living room. He seized his moment. He picked up a piece of paper, tore it in half, with an angry look on his face and the drama of a Broadway star. He threw it to the floor and in one swift move turned and stopped away while saying, "THAT'S IT! I'M MOVING OUT!"
Ted, Grant and I were sitting on the couch watching TV shortly before supper while the fury of a storm was passing outside. I'm sure in reading this one would quickly ask themselves, "How does a two year old know this phrase? I wonder if Ted and Jo fight a lot?" Hardly. Well, at least not verbally. I am passive-hostile and Ted is a conflict avoider, wait that didn't really explain it...Ted is a conflict ignorer! Whatever works for you baby. I love you. (Seriously, there is nothing worth being truly mad at him about- get to know him and you will know what I mean. Couldn't be a better man...)
Ted, Grant and I instantly understood and laughed at his performance. He did quite a great re-creation! I admit, there is an obsession in this house with iCarly, Wizards of Waverly Place and Phineas and Ferb. I know...ideally I wouldn't let them watch so much TV. Right. In an ideal world, in a cooler climate, in a time when Mommy and Daddy weren't pulling through the stresses of life by our teeth we wouldn't have the Disney channel on all day.
At some point recently Jake saw a repeat of an iCarly episode called "i Move Out" Where one of the main characters moves out of the apartment that he shares with his mother, Mrs. Benson, because her wild and crazy OCD is driving him nuts. At some point he says "that's it, I'm moving out", thus the reason for sir showman.
iCarly was the craze around here for awhile, but we have seen all the episodes so until the new episodes come on, we continue our new obsession with Wizards of Waverly Place. I must say it is nice to not have Grant calling me Mrs. Benson all of the time, but moving onto "crazy lady" isn't that much better!
A couple of weeks ago Jake came running up to Grant and I with a crazy fierce look on his face and a coaching whistle in his mouth. He blows it at us and yells as he points into the room with the time out chair, "GO TO DETENTION!"  he yells. I can guess he got this from Wizards because the main character, Alex, is a trouble maker and often getting detention. It could have been Sam off of iCarly who also spent quite a bit of time in detention. I worry about him. Not that he will get into real trouble, he cries when anyone looks at him cross. I worry he will not be ready for school because of how much I have slacked on skills with him. I worried about Grant so this isn't new for me. Now I know my worry for Grant about educational development was sooooo unwarranted. I just didn't have anything to compare him to until he went to school. But Grant had all of my attention all of the time. I was looking in a baby book for Grant, (poor Jake's info stopped at nine months), and Grant had memorized nursery rhymes, knew his ABC song, and could count to 10. He could count to 8 in spanish! He knew his colors, and spoke like he was much older. Dang! Jake knows his favorite color is orange and none of the other colors matter. He is the type of kid that put the circle shape onto the square hole on top of the shape sorter and then smashed it with his hand while I told him it didn't go into that hole. He would keep going until it finally smashed all the way through and he would tilt his head to the side and look at me like, "Ha, you were wrong and I was right!" He knows how to count to five because Grant is five and at his next birthday he is planning on being five also. He has no desire to be three or four it is time for five. He knows more about Star Wars than most adults. I asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up and he said Count Docu (Star Wars character I probably spelled wrong), or a monster. Then he said he wanted to be Han Solo too but I had to be Chewbacca. I asked him if he was going to have kids and he said he was going to have two boys. I said, "I'm sorry". I asked what he was going to name them and he said, "Deacon (Kelly and Lucas's son) and Daddy". He threw a one hour temper tantrum because I asked if he could wipe up his mess with a paper towel. He did it again because he went to the bathroom and forgot to let him flush the toilet, then he did it again because he thought I left him outside when I was sitting on the deck. He is irrational and passionate about everything. If we walk down an isle at the store and something has fallen off the shelf before we have even arrived, he will flip out if we don't put it back. He won't do anything if you tell him to, but if you say it differently and he thinks he made the decision himself, he will. He is obsessed with mints and can smell anyone who has eaten one or is eating one. He doesn't trust anyone. We butt heads like crazy. He is just like me- who is just like my Mom ,(who is like her father), and Grandmother, (who is an awful lot like her mother). I'm sorry Jake but generations of this unique mold are going to be an intense rollarcoaster. Hold on little one, hold on. Wait, what am I talking about, I better hold on!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Here's my work: your turn!

1) Make a List of 10 things you are happy about today:
* Kelly, Deacon and Avery are blessings in our lives. The faith, quick action, strength and level headed mental and emotional state Kelly maintained while hanging upside-down in a vehicle while her children were in the back....I am more than happy, I am eternally grateful to God for his presence.
* The youth kids in my church- The way they come to me and feel as if they can talk to me. I love that they text me and e-mail me and I hope they know how lucky I feel to know such wonderful young adults.
* Ted, Grant, Jake and Jada, my parents, Amber, my grandparents and the boys grandparents, my aunts and uncles, the boys aunts and uncles, my cousins and the boys cousins, my friends and the boys friends.
* Getting to clean and take care of my friend and her husband with cancer- I have never learned so much from two people in such a short period of time
* The canvas bags and keychains I designed recently. I've never been able to sit still long enough to do anything  like that other than writing.
* The stories I wrote and am ready to send in to the other publishers
* That the "Blueberry" article was put in the church youth newsletter!
* That Ted finished the Biathlon even though I was unable to due to the health stuff.
* I figured out a way that Grandma can send her letters even though she can't use her lymphodema arm and doesn't have a computer!
* I was able to go to church and Sunday School today!

2) Make a List of 10 things you will soon be happy about
*Running again
*Lifting again
*The house getting started, finished and moved into soon- as in late late November or December
*My Friends husband was cleared for more radiation treatment
*I may not have to do any other job than clean for a few people to make the same money I would have made with a part time job and I can work around the boys schedules better.
*This may actually allow me to start night classes in the Kinesiology department and maybe even get a registered dietetics degree, personal training certification, and TRY AND TAKE OVER THE WORLD!! Maybe not though- maybe I'll just keep writing.
*Fall/Autumn is coming
* Jake's Birthday party is going to be a Star Wars theme and I love Star Wars just like he does!
* I think I will get to mow tomorrow and I love mowing! (P.S. I took so long to write this that it is tomorrow already and I did get to mow!)
*Pilates, yoga, running, lifting or step classes in the very early AM hours so I can still take the boys to school.

3) If you have kids: Make a list of what your opinion is that they are the most happy about each day- no limit on the amount. If you don't have kids, pick a niece, nephew, child you babysit or know well enough you can make their list
Jake's List:
* SWINGING, SWINGING, SWINGING- he has done it for over an hour many times. It all started when he was 18 months: The good sign is that he can sit still some of the time!
*Star Wars
*Wizards of Waverly Place
*Going to any or all of the Grandma or aunt and uncles houses
*Frog, toad, bug, worm and other creature hunting with Grant
*Stealing my mocha frappes from McD's
*Doing the robot to any Black Eyed Peas song, dancing, dancing and more dancing-(but he doesn't want anyone to watch him!)
* "What are we going to do today Jake?, What we do everyday Grant- try and make Mommy even crazier! "
*Hide, wait for Grant and then jump out and scare the tar out of him when he walks by....then he will wrestle poor Grant to the ground and sit on him.
*Farming with Grandpa Ken
*From what I gather: he loves to go into Grandpa Rick's workshop and explore and ask Grandpa, "wasss that Gampa? Waaaaaassssss that Gampa?...."
*Chasing poor Jada (p.s.- Grant always wants me to read what I am writing and he added that last one for Jake!)

Grant's List:
*Frog, Toad, Bug, bird eggs and or baby birds and nest, cicada shells, any creature on Gods great Earth explorations. Yesterday Grant told Ted and I that he really wanted to live near us when he grows up but he just had to live in or by the jungle or desert or there would be no way to find all of the creatures and animals he needs to find. If two years ago I had been told this by anyone I would have disagreed due to pure motherly selfishness- but even with the danger and the distance he will face and of course the worry and longing for our son that his father and I will face- I can't imagine a more dream come true existence for my son. I wish there was a way to put him into an advanced animal science course right now. He has gone beyond all the books I could find. I never thought I would ever have such an amazingly intelligent child. I hear the part of the brain that shows strength in science does well in math as well. That would now certainly explain why his pre-K math book was finished last year and now he asked for the first and second grade math book. I don't agree in pushing your children with school work above and beyond at this age...he does this purely on his own. Awww I never wanted to be one of those parents who brag, please don't see it that way. I find it a slight hindrance due to the school systems and their lack of encouragement in this area at these young ages. Also God should think about who he gives these children to- I feel as if I hinder his growth. I do my best , but we have now entered the Grant educating me stage. I never want him to not fit in because he doesn't know how to have conversations with his peers about typical k-5 stuff!! Although that kid could do stand-up he is so stinkin' funny! That just might be his ticket to win over his peers.
* Playing with Faith, Avery, and Brennan who all show the same kind of compassion and understanding he shows. They understand and "pretend" if are not genuinally interested in Grants excitement over his newest creature finds. They also never tell him that he can't play with something because it is for a "girl"- Someone at preschool once said something about littlest pet shop being for girls and he has never forgotten it. He absolutely loves littlest pet shop toys. I have had a hard time explaining that toy companies decide what is "boys or girls" toys based on how much money they think they can make with the toy. Also, whenever I hear a child say these few phrases reguarding "girly" you will get some interesting and unrequested conversation from me. In fact that will be my next blog topic!'....maybe
*Eating yogurt, drinking milk, eating oatmeal, eating plums, cantaloupe, grapes, blueberries, he also loves my home-made cooking- something I don't get to do very often anymore- but he might be the only one in this house who is nice enough to compliment me for it!
*Playing with littlest pet shop toys, toy stretchy lizards, frogs, bugs, worms, etc., his BUDDIES! (His stuffed animals-of which I have no limit! I'm sentimental...what can I say?), building tents, reading, reading, reading playing his leapster- (i love those educational games!)
*Practicing flips, handstands, and break dancing poses he learns on So You Think You Can Dance- We learned how to stand on our head together on the same night. Great memory!
*He wants me to add: (I can't believe I forgot this!) Climbing every tree he sees and all the rain so that the frogs and toads come out!
I could add most of Jake's list too because what they enjoy is somewhat similar. But oh, that is where their similarities end!

4) Write 10 words/ Phrases of wisdom
* Being late is disrespectful- Me-ism
* Treat others as you would like to be treated- The Golden Rule
* If you don't want someone to find out about it- don't do it!- Grandpa Jake
* Don't just stand there- do something!- A common quote to Grant from me
* A strong man stands up for himself- a stronger man stands up for others- Barnyard the movie
* Do or do not there is no try- Yoda
* A Person is a Person No Matter How Small- Dr. Seuss (Horton Hears a Who)
* People are more important than things
* It is just stuff- less is more
* Common sense isn't common
* Doctor's are humans too, not God's; don't think you are below them. They also make mistakes.- My soapbox statement
* Whoever decided what was a girl's toy, movie, book, color, etc vs. what was a boy's? -My other soapbox statement
*Be the change you wish to see in this world

5) Write 10 ways you create Karma in your life or other's lives
* Donate anonymously- well that just completely ruined that...nevermind
* Put your grocery cart back-no matter how hot, if it is raining, snowing, freezing... raining men
* Donate it- don't sell it
* I don't use pesticides
* I teach my children the importance of kindness to all of God's creatures and creations
* I teach Grant and will teach Jake the importance that doing the right thing may mean standing alone- but that God, Mom and Dad will always be standing right beside them, until the time comes that their struggle with be worth the frustration....and it really will.
* Admit fault and apologize
* When the boys and I say our payer at night we don't just say a repetitive phrase without meaning every night- I help them think about what they are thankful for and thank God for that, then I help them think of one thing they would like help with for themselves and they ask God for that. I hope it teaches them to thank more than they ask for.
* I pray out loud constantly throughout the day: (for example)
When the boys loose their tempers or have breakdowns and I am boiling inside I pray:
"Dear God, help me stay calm."
When we hear the Lifeflight helicopter come to or leaving MDH, or if we see an ambulance with lights and sirens, the boys have learned my prayer: "Dear God, please be with that patient and their family, give them strength to overcome whatever this is." Jake tries, but it ends up twisted.
6) Write 10 of your favorite memories  (Just a little note: My memories of childhood and growing up have been a blessing. I have so many. I cherish them all and if it weren't for the wonderful childhood I had, I would have never made it through all the rough stuff I have had to face in my life as an adult. I was lucky, while some people only have two parents, I had three and then when I turned eleven I had four. I was always filled to the top with love, support and guidance, and lessons on life and love. Dear God I cherish my parents. Thank you so much Mom, Dad, Big (Grandma Gig) and Papa Jake.)
* Running on the gravel road between Mom's house and Grandma and Grandpa's house
* Mowing for hours in the yard and ditches on the farm
* watching sunsets from the picnic table, on top of the farrowing house, or grain bin
* Youth Group Trips and pretty much anything and everything we all did together
* The first few minutes after the birth of Grant was the best feeling I have ever had.
* When Jake came out he had his giant brown eyes (yes brown) wide open and staring me down. He was quiet and content. That lasted a whole three minutes and then he screamed for four months straight I swear! I was just so thankful that he was fine after what he went through during the pregnancy and I could see him with my own eyes. I had a sense of calm come over me that he would make it at that point, but up until then I was not convinced. His delivery didn't hurt at all so I thought something was terribly wrong considering Joseph's was horrible, Grant's was so bad I offered them money to call the anesthesiologist on vacation to come in anyway and give me an didn't work...oh well.
* The first wonderful dates with Ted were so creative and amazing. I fell in love with him almost immediately. He has always been the one for me.
* Working at the bowling ally with Travis and listening to James Taylor. Sorry Ted I know we worked together too, but Travis danced to Walking Man and you are just a chair dancer...hehehe! I also loved dizzy bowling.
*I loved working as an EMT at WIU and at MDH. Driving the ambulance and attending calls was amazing.
* Performing CPR on a young lawyer who coded and he survived by the grace of God. I broke his ribs! He teased me about it and thanked me in the same sentence. (P.S. that's common to break ribs, so don't start thinking I suck!)

7) Write 10 things that calm your soul
* Running
* Writing
* Reading anything Erma Bombeck has written
* Music- particularly Jack Johnson, my boyfriend- Michael Buble, Adelle, Taylor Swift, Alison Krauss, Dave Matthews Bands, The Fray, Owl City, The Script, and so many more....I am so obsessed with itunes
* Mt. Dew
* When Ted and the boys are all at home with me so I can see them and know they are safe if at least for only a moment
* My Grandma Melton, Jada, Mom when she remembers how strong she is, My best friend Amber all of the time, Ted when he isn't a zombie and get to choose better shifts.
*Talking forever with Amber on the phone, or texting her. Parenting without her would be horrible.
*Laughing so hard with Sarah we pee a little
*Yard/Garage sale shopping (the only type of shopping I can stand) by myself
* Spending time with just my big brother and goofing off- although I couldn't tell you the last time I got to do that.
* Good health and wonderful spirits that I see in the boys allows me to rest peacefully
* Knowing I will get to live in the country in only a matter of months again...not only live there, I will be a farm girl again! I will get to raise my boys on a farm with sheep, cattle, one loud and annoying rooster, a gigantic orchard, and a little bit of wheat....oh I can't wait!

8) Write 10 things you wish for yourself
* The ability to forgive and forget
* To overcome PTSD from loosing and delivering Joseph and Jake's pregnancy trauma and the extreme and often sudden anxiety I live with daily
* To be able to run everyday
* To take the MCAT, pass it with a very high score, just to say, see I told you I knew something!!!!!
* To not have to do the previous in order to gain self-respect
* To get my "Ashes, Ashes, We All Fall Down" book finished by next December 2011.
* To get the book published
* To Run a 5K, 10K, 1/2 marathon, full marathon, ironman, tiathlon (half and full) and someday to do the ultra marathon!
* To get all three of the children's books published by the same publisher and have them ask for more!
* To get my masters in Kinesiology and also become a Registered Dietitian. I would then get a certification in rehabilitation for personal training specializing in patients with Fibromyalgia, MS, Rheumatoid Arthritis or other autoimmune diseases where normal physical activity and diet changes don't work the same as other's. Yet, it is vital to their satisfaction in life.

9) Write 10 things you wish for others
* That people realize that food dyes and preservatives should be avoided for the sake of your health and most certainly your children whose cells change more rapidly than adults allowing for faster cell mutations from alterations caused by these unnecessary additives.
* I wish others would realize that spraying for weeds in your yard has to be more ridiculous and vain than a bleached blood, large breasted, tanned beyond normal human skin color, I moved to L.A. to be an actress type of quality girl! Please do not spray your toxins I can't believe that people in town genuially complain about farmers spraying pesticides. Has anyone read about the new recent farming practices? Some people seem to care more about not harming others with toxins(most up-update and current farmers) than the ridiculous number of people I see spraying the one freaking dandelion in their yard as I drive one mile down the street to my Mother in laws house. I really do feel sorry for the person who tries to spray around me or my kids, I have been know to whip out some crazy on that one! USE YOUR HANDS AND PULL THE WEEDS YOURSELF! I do it all the time. It takes awhile, but I won't have to worry about harming me, my children or the earth. Or use herbal, non-chemical sprays. I do that sometimes.
* I wish people remember people are more important than things....or weeds.....sorry I couldn't help myself-
* I wish my father had more help, I wish it could be me. He has too much land and not enough ability to hire more help in my opinion! He is one amazing farmer!
* I hope my cousin stays safe on his tour in Iraq and that his wife and kids do as well as you can in a crappy situation like this.
* I wish people would be more real with the ones they love
* I wish people would tell their friends and family they love them every time they leave or hang up the phone- what if it were the last time you ever had the chance
* I wish for everyone to pay attention to their bodies and their health. If you feel something is wrong, go with your gut, stand firm with the doctors, do research, don't back down, unless you are being ridiculous (i.e. I know I have cancer because my eye twitches!) I mean for those of you who sit on your symptoms in misery for years and wait thinking they just may be normal for you when deep down you know they aren't. Go to the doctor and do it for the people who love you.
* Get a yearly check-up with blood work starting at 30- if you don't have a standard how will you ever know if there is a deviation? Grant didn't have a scheduled well-child at three or four or something, so I scheduled one. He doesn't ever need to go to the doctor, but I want him to always do a yearly check-up.
* Get you teeth cleaned every six-months- your teeth are a mirror to your health. Grant has gone every six months since he was two. He has never had a cavity and has awesome teeth, so do I. Everything else in our lives may be a disaster  but what good is a life without good health?
* If you don't take any other vitamins be sure to absolutely take Omegas for so many different reasons- like people who don't eat enough fish, have a family history of heart disease (our nations number one killer), already are showing signs of heart disease, and the the main reason I take it- it helps the brain with those of us who suffer from depression, ADHD and or anxiety.
Vitamin D3- Heart, Brain, Bones- and so much more
Magnesium- I helps with nerve and muscle function. It is great for neurological diseases like MS and it helps with Fibromialgia as well. I take this for migraine prevention, my friend with MS is on this as well as it is helpful to her also.
Vitamin B Complex- This almost always has your Vit C in it, so no need to take more or you will spend the day on the toilet (sorry, I have no limits).
The boys take Omegas and Grant and I have both really noticed a change in fogginess after we began taking it.

Now if you made it to the end of this and read it you probably deserve some sort of prise for sitting through it! I had mentioned in my previous blog that I wanted you all to try this too. I think it was incredible, hard, inspiring and self-revealing. Most if not every single one of you won't do this and that is okay, but at least let you brain ponder some of the questions if even for a moment.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Your Mission If you choose to accept:

There is a woman I have a daily feed to on my igoogle page. She has sparked my interest in those of you who read my blog. I want you to do this. You don't have to share it with anyone. Or you can send it to me and I will post it. I all depends on how brave/ trusting you choose to be. There will be no judgement from me, simply admiration at you ability to share. So we may not have to do our list as this woman has done, but wouldn't it be wonderful to see what we would write if were were asked these questions:
1) Make a List of 10 things you are happy about today
2) Make a List of 10 things you will soon be happy about
3) If you have kids: Make a list of what your opinions is that they are the most happy about each day- no limit on the amount. If you don't have kids, pick a niece, nephew, child you babysit or know well enough you can make their list
4) Write 10 words/ Phrases of wisdom
5) Write 10 ways you create Karma in your life or other's lives
6) Write 10 of your favorite memories
7) Write 10 things that calm your soul
8) Write 10 things you wish for yourself
9) Write 10 things you wish for others

I will be answering the questions for sure. I seem to often forget who I am in the daily monotony. I never want to slip into a life where I forget where I am going and who I hope I can help along the way.

For More on this author you can see her at her site:
Barbara's Bungalow: About the Author and Site
cloud: things to be happy about today (calendar)
General Store: Gadgets, Widgets, Books, Cafe Press
Create a List: Make and Send Happy Lists
Happy House: things to be happy about
Farmers' Market: A Commonplace Book
14,000 Pictures: 14,000 Pictures
Idea Bank: Submit Thoughts
Karma Cabin: Instant Karma
Kids' Corral: Things for Kids to Be Happy About
Link Lake: Six Degrees of Happiness
Meditation Yurt: Self-Meditation
Mt Nostalgia: Things to be Nostalgic About
Picnic Park: Life Needs a Menu
Schoolhouse: Bunch of Questions, Lesson Plans, and Word Trivia
Wisdom Well: Words of Wisdom
Wish Upon a Star: Wish List
Writer's Block: happy thoughts
copyright 1997-2010 Barbara Ann Kipfer

“The Wisdom That Comes From Not Knowing”

I want to do spoken poetry.  I want to stand in front of children and tell a story with such theatrical illusionary magic and  dimension tha...