Someday that bird will break through the screen and be free... (my mind pauses for a moment and I switch back to the inner turmoil I so often struggle with....); and then my realistic and scarred heart slips through and whispers with tears (as if hearts could cry) "it's so sad that once he does break through this unattainable goal he will only hit the glass window with a painful halt to his dreams."
We have this little bird who flies underneath our deck over hang to fly into our dirtiest window of the entire house almost daily. I don't understand his appeal or if it is even him each time. Maybe there is a little birdy group filled with birdy bullies telling each one that behind that dirty window lies the most beautiful place they have ever seen with as many berries and worms as could fill his gullet. So each time this little naive birdy decides to go against all that his mother has told him, and all that his father has drilled into his tiny birdy brain. All the stories of his ancestors and "the great window crashing". Oh how many family and friends he had lost by such an unobtainable dream. The humans he heard laughing on the other side of the window as his family tried to reach the other side became unbearable. The humans thought the birds were ignorant to the fact that the window was not the same as the clear air they had seconds before been soaring through. They knew what was coming but they honestly thought they could make it. They had a belief, no matter if others shared that belief or not- no matter the cost- they had a belief.
Who can say your goal is unobtainable? If it harms others, is illegal, or could potentially kill you- by all means you should avoid it; but who really is to say your goal is unobtainable? And are you not better for having tried and failed than to never have tired at all... ( somewhat like that quote: "To love and lost is much better than to never have loved at all."
As a mother I often forget my children are like that tiny little bird, but on a different scale. They are not smashing their bodies full speed into windows, yet, they have what I consider to be dangerous and unobtainable goals. My heart wrenches at the look of devastation on Grant's face when I tell him that he can't build a table with a few pieces of wood and about 12 well, a moment I wish I could go back in time to be six again and have the fire I see in his eyes. Nothing would have stopped me either. Not to mention poor Grant couldn't find the hammer so he was going to use an old wrench to smash the nails into his boards. He begged if I just gave him a chance he would show me. He could do it!
I was distracted by his little brother who had just tied a "knot" around the swing set and yelling from across the yard: "Look at me Mom! "You don't need to make da tire wing (tire swing) I made a rope wing (swing)- SEE!" I had been tying knots and securing rope that afternoon and if he isn't a genius there is no way his rope was going to hold- so I thought.... I ran across the yard yelling "get down before you break something!" I mean this child was up high...way too high! It never broke. When I got there I gave it a try and feeling a bit closer to the ground than Jake was- I pulled all of my weight off the ground and placed all dependence on my four year olds knot tying ability. It worked. I swung on it for a long time and when I was done I yelled to Grant "come and see this!" He said, "hold on!" I turned around to see that Grant had three pieces of wood nailed together and it was obviously on it's way to being a table. It was at that very moment this late summer/ early fall evening that I realized my sons smashed through the screen and the window and made it through the other side, even though I was weary of their ability to make it safely. Every time I allow them to have the chance to obtain confidence on their own, I am allowing them to break on through the impossibles. So, little birdy- I'm not laughing at you anymore...may God give you strength to make it through! After all, everyone (and creature) deserves to feel as if they have a goal or a purpose.
~Happy Breaking thru those windows to your dreams!
"I love people who have been through adversity and heartache and obstacles as impossible as the sun itself. They usually make it out with hearts as warm as gold. Cores made of fire. Lives soaked with full intention. Hope like another morning. They know how to start again- how to walk through walls with palms wide open, and how to begin at the edge, and end. Those to me, are the best people." ~Victoria Erickson
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I love your writing. Have I ever told you that? I love you too!
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